Which One?

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Chapter 26

A few days ago, Derek fell down a tall side of a under construction mall. He took Ennis down with him. But I just wanted to check it out and see if I could caught a scent or anything.

I found Cora and Peter investigating too. They were arguing when I got there.

"Will you children behave." I asked walking up the steps of a turned of escalator.

"Excuse me. I'm older than you." Peter said in a hurt tone.

"Technically yes. You're older than my new mind has been alive. But physically I'm much older than you." I explained.

Peter stepped forward as if he was gonna attack me but Cora stopped him. "Enough, okay. Let's just find out what happened to my brother and Ennis."

"Well, the first thing I'm wondering..." Peter started. "is where the bodies went? Wondering if they were carried out? Or if maybe one of them managed to find enough strength to push themself up off the floor and walk out, leaving the three of us standing here to answer the all important question."

"Which one?" Me and Cora said.

We all looked down at stairs that had traces of blood. "I think I might be able to sniff out the track of blood."

"What?" Cora asked. "How?"

"I'm a hybrid. I have mixed wolf and vampire senses." I stated.

I walked down the stairs and got a bit of blood on my finger and sniffed it. It started to lead me somewhere.


The blood lead us to the Animal Clinic. The one Scott works at. Peter and Cora started to talk about ways to get in.

"I'm not held back by the mountain ash. Why don't I go in." I said starting to walk over. But Peter grabbed my arm.

"They're here." He said.

"Who?" Cora asked.

"All of them." He said referring to the Alpha Pack.

"But the twins are supposed to be on a cross country thing with Scott, Boyd, and Isaac." I said.

He took a sec. "One of the twins. Not both." He said deep in thought.


After a bit of debate with Peter and Cora we decided I should go in. I got in just in time to see Deucalion standing over Ennis's dead body.

He walked out. I was so quiet so he didn't hear me. But Deaton explained what happened. Then Kali and one of the twins came in.

They saw Ennis dead. Kali ran off and the twin followed. He comforted Kali. Then I talked to him.

"I'm sorry we haven't officially met." He said. "I'm Aiden."

"Bailey." We shock hands. "I'm sorry about Ennis."

"No you're not." He looked down then back up. "And that's fine. He's ruff when you don't know him. But he was my friend."

"Still I'm sorry."

"Thanks." He smiled slightly. "And I'm sorry about Derek."

"Wait. You know where he is?" I asked.

"No, he was gone when we came for Ennis." He said.

"Well thanks. And again I'm sorry for you lose." I smiled a tiny bit.

"It means a lot. I have to text Ethan." I figured Ethan was his brother. So I just walked off.

He told me they just found Ennis. Derek was gone when they came for the body.

I went out and found Cora and Peter. I told them that Ennis is dead and the Alphas have no idea where Derek is.

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Alone Girl (Teen Wolf & TVDU) Book 1 of 2Where stories live. Discover now