Wedding to Tragedy

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Chapter 77

About 2 years after the Hunter's end, Allison and Scott got engaged. Now 4 years later, it was their wedding day. A day that was long overdue.

Allison had asked me to be her bridesmaid. And a 5 year old Cristy was her flower girl. Lydia was the minister. My dad of course was gonna walk her down the isle.

Scott had asked Stiles of course to be his groomsmen.

Allison wore a long flowery white dress. I wore a purple dress. Lydia wore a pink dress. And Cristy wore a yellow puffy dress.

We had all gotten ready together. It just made the most sense. It also was were we got the before wedding photos.

Then Cristy had to go so she could make the flower path. Lydia accompanied her. It was just me and Alli now.

"You know, I always thought you and Stiles would get married before me and Scott." Allison said as I made final touches to her hair.

"Me too." I smiled at her through the mirror. "But I am really happy for you and Scott. You know that right."

"Of course I know that." She smiled back at me. "Oh, that reminds me." She got up and grabbed a little box off the table and handed it to me. "I have a gift for you."

"You didn't have to get me anything." I said sincerely.

"Open it." She said energetic.

I opened the box to find a silver ring with a moon symbol on it. It looked familiar. But at first I couldn't place it. Then it hit me. It was my ring that matched the one I gave her one her birthday. I hadn't seen since I died. It was on my hand the day I died. I guess she took it off that day and kept it ever since.

"My ring. I haven't seen it since..." She cut me off.

"Since you died. I know. I've had it since I saw your body in the hospital." She said.

"You know why I gave you the sun?" She shock her head. "Because you are my sun. You gave me light after a long dark night."

She rapped her arms around me and hugged me tight. "I love you, Bails." Alli whispered in my ear.

"Love you too, Alli." I whispered in her's.

We finally released from the hug when it was my turn to walk down the isle. I had to do it with Stiles. But when we got to the alter we went out seperate ways.

Then Alli came slowly walking down the isle. She looked like a princess from a fairy tale.

She got up there and dad released her to Scott. But while he was doing it, he gave a look, like if you hurt my daughter, I will kill you.

"Friends and Family, we are here today to celebrate a picture of love, Scott and Allison. They have over come many obstacles, and yet they are here today, cementing their live for each other." Lydia said. "Scott, it's time for your vows."

"Allison, you are the love of my life. I never got over my love for you. And I am just glad that we found each other again." Scott said. "So I promise, I will continue finding you ever time you're lost. For the rest of ours lives together."

Me and Stiles caught each other's eyes. We spent a little making prolonged eye contact. Then I broke it when I looked back for Alli's vows.

"Scott, you were a prince who save the noble hunter many time. The hunter who regrettably tried to you once. But you always found a way to save her." Alli said. "So I promise, I will do the same for you. For as long as we shall live."

"Scott McCall do you take Allison Argent as you lovely wedded wife? In sickness and in health? For rich or for poor? In thick and thin? For as long as you both shall live?" Lydia asked him.

"I do." Scott said in a flash, while Allison placed the ring on his finger.

"Allison Argent, do you take Scott McCall as your lovely wedded husband? For rich or for poor? In sickness and in health? For as long as you two shall live?"

"A thousand times over. I do." She stared deeply in his eyes.

Then suddenly a vampire, vamped on the alter. "Attention, ladies and gentlemen. Sorry to ruin this joyest occasion." I looked at Melissa. I didn't know why this guy was here. But I knew it wasn't good. I signalled to her, to get Cristy out of here. Which she did. She ran out with her. "I just have a quick message from Marcel Gerard. He remembers what Bailey did. Now she shall pay for the 58 vampire lives she took." He lifted his hands and started to give everyone in the room an aneurism. He wasn't just a vampire. He was a witch. We all lowered our head and clamped onto them in pain. "Now justice." He flicked his wrist and the windows shattered.

The heretic disappeared the next time I looked. Then the windows completely shattered. It through me and Stiles onto the ground. But I got knocked out. Not just that, when Stiles checked, I had no pulse. I was dead. And not alive dead. Dead dead.

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