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Chapter 66

When I got back to Beacon Hills I got this strong feeling to go to school. I tried to ignore it but I ended up at the school anyways.

I got to the bus lot and I saw Scott, Chris, Parrish, and Stiles. They were staring into a bus. When I looked close enough, I realized why. It was The Beast of Gevudon.

I opened the car door and ran over to them. "Bailey, your back." Stiles rapped his arm around me. I wanted to stay but I had this very strong feeling that I had to deal with this guy. So I gave him a kiss and ran over to the end of the bus where I knew the wolf could see me.

"You want me dude. Come and get me." I started to vamp away and the beast followed me. With Parrish or the Hell Hound version of Parrish following him.


I got back to the apartment, to find Dad and Stiles wait for me. I put my bags in my room then went back out to talk to them.

"Whats going on?" I asked uncomfortable. They had serious looks on their faces. It felt awkward.

"We found out how to stop the Beast of Gevudon for good." Dad said.

"What do you mean for good? He's not immortal." I said.

"Actually he might be." Stiles said looking down at the counter. He looked sadish.

"Okay. So how do we stop it?" I asked.

"You, have to do." Dad said. "You have to link yourself to your doppelgangers."

"Okay. If that's all why does Stiles look so sad?"

"They have to link to you, and just you." Dad said. I didn't quite understand it but then it hit me. I have to have the baby for this to happen.

"Okay, then we wait." I grabbed my baby bump.

"But we don't know how long we can wait." Dad said. "So we might have to make it so the baby comes early."

"No." I said quietly at first. "Their only 17 weeks. They won't survive." It came out so whiney, I hated sounding like that. But it got the point far enough. "No!" I ran into my room.

No one was gonna take my kid out early enough that could kill it. I don't even know what Im having yet. I haven't had time to make an appointment to ask.


The next morning, I woke up and I was more than twice the size as I was last night. I found it strange. I wasn't changing trimesters. So why did I double size over night.

I walked out and Dad looked at my stomach and wasn't even surprised. I grabbed my phone and checked the normal size of a woman in her middle 17th week. It was not that big.

So I went back into my room and grabbed out my mother's grimorie. I found the spell she used to sense magic either in the room, or altering something in the room.

I poked my finger with a needle and let the blood slowly drip into a bowl with magical properties in it. Then I chanted the spell. The bowl showed me exactly what happened. It showed me how my dad and Stiles conspired with a witch.

Alone Girl (Teen Wolf & TVDU) Book 1 of 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum