Memory Lost

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Chapter 71

I was playing with Cristy when suddenly she started disappearing.

"Chris. Chris." I said trying to grab onto my daughter. But she had already faded away.

Then I had this extreme feeling like I had to find Stiles. I ran out and went to find him. That feeling lead me to the school where i saw Stiles running out of the building.

"Stiles. Stiles." I said out of breath running over to him. "Cristy she just vanished."

"You remember me." He said hopeful, but then it registered what I just said. "What? Cristy gone."

"She just started pixalating and I couldn't stop it." I stopped and thought. Everyone was forgetting Stiles because of the wild hunt he had told me about early. "She vanished to erase any trace of you. She's in the wild hunt."

"What." Stiles said.

"Think about it. They're after you because you saw the horses. Once someone is forgotten, every trace of them is gone. Cristy is your daughter so she was erased too." He didn't even get the chance to respond before we heard horses. But I didn't see any, I just heard them.

"Hey, do you see him?" He pointed to what I saw was empty.

"See what?" I asked concerned, but I believed him.

"The guy on the horse." Stiles said still pointing at what looked like nothing.

"Stiles, if you can see them, then they're gonna..." I started but he cut me off.

"No, I know, I know. Okay. They're comin for me." He put his hands over my cheek. "So you have to get away from me now, okay?"

"No, I'm not leaving you!" I said insistent. "No matter what I feel about you, you are the father of my daughter."

"All right. Come on." He grabbed my hand and we started running. We turned one way and we stopped. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Okay, this way. Keep going." We ran the other way but then stopped.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"They're everywhere." He said. Then he pulled me towards his Jeep. "Bailey, don't look at them, okay? Don't try and fight them. They'll take you, too. Just do not look at them."

We got to the Jeep. "I won't. I won't." We both got in. He got his keys in the ignition but stopped and looked around. "What are you doing? We need to go!"

He pulled the key out. "There's no time. Bailey, I'm gonna be erased, okay. You're gonna forget me, and you're gonna forget Cristy."

"No. I won't. I won't." I whimpered.

"Bailey, you will." Stiles said a it's okay tone. "Just try to find some way to remember me, okay? Remember how you were the first girl I ever dated? Or how you helped me get over the deadend crush I had on Lydia? Remember how you saved me more times than I can count?"

"You save me too." I told him.

He grabbed my hand and stroked his finger over it. "Just remember... Remember I love you. Even if you never believed it. I love you."

A thing of lightning hit. And like that the man I loved was taken. Just like that, I lost both Stiles and my daughter.

I started to shudder. But I wasn't forgetting. I still knew exactly who Stiles Stilinski was. I knew who Cristy Stilinski Mikaelson Argent was too. Why wasn't I forgetting them? How did I not forget?

"Stiles." I cried looking at the empty driver's seat next to me. Then at the babies seat in the middle back seat. "Cristy." I remembered  our first family road trip, when we went to visit my family in New Orleans. I remembered every memory with Cristy and Stiles.

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