Secrets Always Come To Light

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Chapter 51

I woke up the next morning in the middle of the woods.

I went up the apartment as fast as I could. The first thing I noticed there was no body there any more. And the was a towel right by the door. I rapped that around me.

When I went to the kitchen, Stiles was there feeding Hope. I couldn't help but smile. My mind drifted to how he would be as a dad. I invision him as this dad who brings his kid toys from every trip he takes. A dad who would kill for hurt his kid, but might get himself killed in that process.

"Where's the body?" I asked as I walked in my room to get dressed.

"I called my dad, he took care of it. He just wants you go to the station to give a statement and this whole thing she be taken care of." Stiles said. "I also swept the glass from the broken window in your dad's room."

"Thank you." I said walking out of the room. "Would mind taking care of Hope for like 2 more hours. I should probably go get the statement done."

"Yeah, no problem. Me and the little one are bonding. So take your time." He said throwing Hope's empty bottle in the sink.

"Great." I smile. Then I looked around. "Have you seen my phone?"

"Em, yeah it's on the counter back there." He pointed behind him.

I grabbed it, but it was about to die. "Great, just great." I said sarcastic and angry.

"What?" He asked.

"It's at 2 percent." I said. "Can I leave it here, and if it rings for any reason I give you precision to answer it." He looked at me confused. "It might be Cami from New Orleans, I asked her to call when I could bring Hope back."

"Oh, okay." He got up and put Hope back in her crib substitute. "I'll call my dad you're coming in."

"Thanks." I said grabbing my purse and rushing out of the apartment.


Stiles had just put Hope down for a nap, when my phone started ringing. So he ran over to it and answered.

"Hello, Ms. Argent, per your instruction to tell you if the hospital needs any more money from the person you donated for, we need to inform you that you missed a $112 x-ray for Noah Stilinski care at our hospital." The person over the phone told Stiles.

"Sorry, Bailey isn't here at the moment." Stiles told them in shock. "I will give her the message, but just to be clear who this is for, it's Mr Stilinski, right?"

"That is correct. Please have Ms Argent call us at her earliest convenience." The person said before she hung up the phone.

Stiles put it back on the counter and started to panic again. He didn't understand why I didn't tell him? Or why I did it for that matter?


When I got back to the apartment, I found Stiles waiting for me. He was just standing right in front of the door.

"Hi." I said. "Did Cami call?"

"No, but somebody else did." He said angry and greatful I couldn't read it. "Someone interesting."

"Who?" I asked putting my purse on the bench.

"The hospital. A billing lady actually. She was calling to tell you, you missed an x-ray payment, for my dad's care."

"Oh, damn." I said smacking my hand on my forehead.

"Why didn't you tell me you were the anonymous donor. You were there when I was arguing with the receptionist."

"You want to know why I did it?!" I yelled. "I hide it because I didn't want you to feel like you owed me anything. I know you, you wouldn't expect that I just wanted to help and your dad out of a crisis. You would feel like you had to pay me back. I didn't want that."

"Where'd you even get the money?" He asked.

"From the Mikaelsons." I said honestly, knowing he would piece together why I went to New Orleans.

"So, you went to a family you barely know for money, for me. And they just gave it to you?"

"Not exactly." I was looking at the floor.

"Wait, you went to New Orleans to fulfill your part of a deal. They gave you money, so you went there to get to know them." He said.

"Yeah." I looked up.

"I can't handle this right now." He said walking past me. He opened the door and rushed out.

"Stiles!" I called as I watched him speed walk to the elevator. But he got in and  didn't even look back. I slammed the door when the elevator was shut.

Hope started crying. "Damn it." I muttered as I went to tend to her.

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