Chapter 30: Little Wolf🔞

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Bright is in the middle of wearing his t-shirt after showering when Dew suddenly screams from his room. He sprints to the room, carelessly wearing his t-shirt on the way. His heart breaks once he sees his son. The baby is crying with his cheeks tinted in pink. His shoulders are heaving. He is sitting up while his chubby hands are gripping on the wooden pillar of his crib. It's as if he's waiting for one of them to come to him.

"Hey, baby," the father picks him up and rocks him in his arms. "What happened? Did you have a bad dream? Don't worry. It's gone now. I'm here. I'm here," he whispers to his son.

Dew's cry begins to die down, but he is still sniffing. The baby hugs Bright, arms wrapped around his neck tightly. "Dada," he mumbles.

Bright chuckles at that. "Do you want dada? Dada is still sleeping. Shall we wake him up together?" He rubs Dew's back, leaning the side of his head against his for skin-to-skin contact.

The thirteen-month-old baby hums, sucking on his thumb. It's a habit of his that Win is secretly fond of. "Dada... Dada," he keeps calling for Win.

"Okay, okay. Let's go see, dada," Bright gives in after hearing the tiny voice. He carries Dew to his bedroom. Win is fast asleep in bed since it's the weekend. He has been busy managing a new business that M.O. Steel is venturing in. Bright is worried because his husband works too hard that sometimes he forgets to eat and look after himself. "Dew, look. It's dada," the father tries to catch Dew's attention.

Dew releases his arms from Bright's neck and turns his head over to where his papa is pointing at. "Dada!" He extends his arms out and squeezes his hands into fists, wanting to go to Win.

Bright approaches the bed and sits next to his husband. Win is cocooned in the duvet (that he has been hogging from Bright since last night). He is sleeping sideways with a hand tucked under his cheek. His chest rises and falls in a steady motion. The older man places Dew on the mattress and the baby climbs on Win. He almost slips off and falls on his butt. However, Bright is there to keep him going. "Careful, Dew," Bright reminds the baby.

Dew has been active lately. He can climb to higher places and crawl at every corner of the house. The baby can also stand by himself now. The parents think their son will be able to walk soon. "Dada," Dew clings to his dada like a koala and gently pats on his squishy cheek. Win is pulled out of his dreamland when he feels a soft touch on his face. He stretches his arms up and groans. "Dadadadadada!" Dew chants enthusiastically.

Win's eyes flutter open at the familiar high-pitched voice. A smile makes its way to his lips at his morning view. It's such a precious sight. "Good morning, bunny," Win pinches Dew's cheek. He shifts to lie on the other side so that he can see the baby's face.

"Dada," Dew pouts, resting his head on Win's chest.

"Oh, baby," Win's puffy eyes are glistening with tears as he wraps his arms around his son. He looks at Bright and the older man simply laughs. "You woke up so early, hmm..." Dew nuzzles his face to Win's neck. As usual, his chubby hand is gently patting Win's chest. The man swears he will fall back to sleep if this goes on. Dew's touch is simply magical.

Bright dips down and kisses Win on his temple. "Tired?" He asks his husband, caressing his messy hair.

Win weakly nods. "Just a little, babe. Dew has taken a lot of it away already," he grins at the older man. "So, what's up, little guy? Why are you searching for dada, huh?" The baby is just staring at him with his big and sparkly eyes.

"Dada, food!"

Bright titters uncontrollably and it gets contagious. Within seconds, his husband and his son are also laughing along with him. Dew's chubby cheeks spread to the sides like delicious dumplings, and his eyes turn into a pair of crescent moons. "I see where he inherits this from," Bright lightly jokes as he gets into bed. The fathers are now sandwiching Dew in the middle, snuggling close to him.

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