Chapter 23: Peace

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It has been a few days since Bright got discharged from the hospital. He hasn't seen Win for the same amount of days. He told him he needs some time to think about everything once again. He couldn't resist Win's downcast eyes, that silently pleaded him to reconsider their relationship. So, he promised Win he'll give him the answer soon.

It's weekend and Bright has been spending his time off writing poems. They will be included in a secret project that he has been doing for a while now. In all honesty, he finds solace and escapism in writing. He constantly has the 'tip of the tongue' feeling of not being able to flesh out the thoughts that he has in his head by speaking out. Writing helps him to get it all out, and it cocoons him in an endless, candescent warmth.

It is all good, at least Bright thinks it is, until he receives an emergency text from Win.

Prince Pumpui 🐰
Babe, help. Please come to me. Please.

Bright panics after reading it. He swiftly grabs his wallet and car key before sprinting to his car. While driving to Phi Eed's house, he tries calling Win, but he doesn't pick up. "Come on, Prince..." His face is contorted with worry. He calls P'Eed next. It goes straight to her voice mail. His heart sinks at the thought of something bad happening to Win.

The man presses on the accelerator and goes over the speed limit. He arrives at the house fifteen minutes later. Bright dashes out of the car and bolts to the front door, knocking on it impatiently. "P'Eed! Prince!" He shouts. He's panting with short breaths. He can hear the cacophonous of his own heartbeat in his ears. The demons and the devils are whispering in his ears, telling him about all the terrible things.

The door is opened a minute later. "Ow, Nong Bright," P'Eed gives him a puzzled look, not expecting him to be there late in the evening.

"Win... Where's Win?" Bright asks.

P'Eed steps aside for him to come in. Her boss must have done something mischievous again for attention. "He's in his room," she flicks her hand towards a bedroom nearby.

Without wasting any time, Bright strides to the mentioned room. He pushes the door open, only to see Win sitting on the bed with his back propped up against the headboard while reading a book. The younger man startles at Bright's presence in the room. Soon, a smile spreads on his lips. His face perks up with contentment.

"Prince? Is everything okay?" Bright rushes to him and sits on the edge of the bed.

Win places the book he's holding on the bedside table and rubs his belly. "Little bunny wants to hear your voice," he pouts.

Bright's worries cease into the thin air. "You could've called me, Prince," he tells using a soft tone in his voice.

"No, it's not the same with hearing your voice here rather than hearing it on the phone. Little bunny also wants to eat the delicious pasta you used to make," Win blinks rapidly, giving Bright his best puppy eyes.

Bright heaves a sigh. "You got me worried earlier. I thought something bad happened to you."

"Does that mean you still love me?" Win has a hopeful look on his face.

"So... Where is the kitchen?" Bright looks away from the younger man.

Win almost rolls his eyes when Bright purposely dodges his question. "Come on, let me show you," he gets up with Bright following his suit. They head to the spacious kitchen that P'Eed owns. "Can you also make some crispy fried chicken for me?"

"For you?" Bright cocks an eyebrow, shooting a smug smile at Win just to tease him.

Win's excitement falters. Busted, hah! "Uh, I mean for little bunny," he corrects himself. His face is flushed red by now because Bright might have figured out that he is the one who wants him here.

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