Chapter 07: Winter

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Bright quickly gathers his pens and notebook once the class is over before putting them inside his bag. He is about to get up from his seat when First stops him. "Hold on, you left this," he flashes the familiar yellow highlighter in front of his face, smiling a little before handing it back to its owner.

The older man is instantly reminded of Win and how he marked him with the yellow ink two weeks ago under the tree by the field. He grabs the highlighter and stares at it for a good minute. He still cannot forget the hurtful expression on Win's face that night, but he had to do it. He cannot bring himself to be unfair towards Win. The younger man deserves the best, and he definitely is not the best for him. He could never give Win peace.

First nudges Toy's arm with his elbow, and the two friends are clearly worried about Bright. The man has become unexceptionally quiet these days. It's not like he hasn't already been quiet before, but this time, he looks so lost. "Bright, you okay, man?" Toy asks, voice lacing with a deep concern over his friend.

"Yeah, I'm good," Bright mumbles as he slips the highlighter into the front pocket of his trousers.

"Mr. Chiva-aree, may I see you for a moment?"

Bright turns around and notices Professor Alice is still sitting at the lecturer's table in front of the class. "Ow, I thought she left already," Bright whispers to his friends since their class has already ended earlier.

"Professor probably needs your help with something. Just go. We'll wait for you at the cafeteria," First smiles at the man. He places his arm around Toy's shoulder and both men head to the exit door while chatting with one another.

Bright jogs down the stairs and walks to where Professor Alice is waiting. "I have a meeting outside of campus in half an hour. I need your help to deliver this file to Professor Siriganya at the Faculty of Economics. Her room is LR 21," Professor Alice requests. Blood drains from his face upon hearing the name of the faculty. "Mr. Chiva-aree, can I count on you? It's important because I don't have the time to meet her in person today," the professor continues.

"Khrab, professor. I can help deliver the file to Professor Siriganya," Bright nods a little and takes the file from the professor's hands.

He gives a respect (wai) to his lecturer and walks out of the lecture hall. It has been two weeks since he last saw Win. Ever since he rejected him, the younger man hasn't come around and disturb him at his favorite spot like he used to. He's wondering whether Win is doing fine. Bright knows too well how cruel he is for turning Win down without even giving him any explanation. And he won't be able to forget and forgive himself for what he did to Win for the rest of his life.

With a heavy heart, Bright finds himself striding to the Faculty of Economics' building. So far, he hasn't bumped into Win yet, so that's good. Right? Ten minutes later, he finally arrives at the lecturer's room located on level four of the building. He hands the file to Professor Siriganya and immediately leaves after that. Once he arrives at the lobby, he notices a bunch of economics students passing by. They probably have just finished their classes.

Bright doesn't feel good, but he confidently takes his steps down the hall. At the end of the path, he turns right and his soul almost leaves his body when he suddenly bumps into someone. He hears some books fall down due to the impact. "I'm sorry, I-" His throat runs dry once he sees the person he just crashed into. "Pumpui?" Bright croaks, almost losing his voice out of shock. Win ignores the older man and crouches down to pick his books up. "Let me help you," he offers, but Win cuts him off. Bright notices how cold Win's eyes are and they are not as bright as before.

"No need. I can pick them up myself," Win mutters and swiftly collects his book on the concrete floor. After that, the younger man walks past Bright without uttering any more words.

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