Chapter 08: Spring

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The semester break has come and gone just like that in the blink of an eye. The second semester of the year is about to begin tomorrow. Win hasn't seen Bright for over a month already. Sadness...what is that? Note the sarcasm. All he's been doing is mopping around and stress eating. Sometimes, he would draw and his drawings are all the result of his anger towards himself.

The drawings are too 'authentic' and 'real' until Mesa had to beg her younger brother to sell them at her art gallery. Win sold them all, but he did not keep the money to himself though. He donated it all to a few orphanages in Thailand in hope that it can help them a little with their living expenses.

"Metawin!!!" Win hears Mintra shouting his name from the kitchen. The younger man who's currently watching in the living room sighs. Lazily, he gets up from the sofa and heads to the kitchen. Mintra is standing in front of the refrigerator with one hand resting on her waist.

Win cocks a brow at her while leaning against the counter. "What's wrong, P'Ming?"

"What's wrong? Look at this, Win!" The woman opens the refrigerator. "Where the hell has all the food gone? And why did you eat the cake that I made for my fiancé?"

"Ow, I was hungry, and I thought you made the cake for us to taste," Win replies, absolutely clueless as to why his older sister is mad.

"You've emptied this goddamn refrigerator, Win! Have you ever thought of how tired I was baking that cake? No, because all you ever do is eat, uaan! You don't even think about others!" Mintra screams in frustration. Her face is red and there's a clear annoyance projected specifically at him.

Win, on the other hand feels very triggered because his sister has accused him of being selfish. As much as he refrains himself from succumbing to the pressure, he loses it at last. "Yes, I'm fat! I take up all the space in this house! What else do you want to say about me? What else?! You want to say I've caused your engagement with your fiancé to be off because he didn't get to eat the cake you made, hah? I guess I just did!" He bellows in anger.

Mintra rolls her eyes at the young man's last statement. "You're so stupid!" She hisses and storms out of the kitchen. Her heavy footsteps are echoing throughout the entire house.

"Ahh!!!" Win bawls in vexation and jogs up the stairs to his room. He slams the door behind him and tugs on his hair in frustration. Angry tears keep falling from his eyes, no matter how hard he tries to stay calm. Every word that Mintra said is floating around in his head, tormenting and cornering him to the core.

He stomps off to his wardrobe and slides the door open. The man starts to rummage for a weighing scale and punches its wooden door when he cannot find it. Then he moves to his bed to look underneath it. Finally, he finds a black digital body weighing scale hidden there. Win pulls it out and places it on the floor beside his bed. He swallows his saliva down his throat and releases a deep breath. He has not weighed himself for such a long time now, but what his older sister just said to him makes him feel like it's bad to be him.

Win stands up on his feet. There is a slight tremble in his hands. He places his left foot on the weighing scale, watching as the numbers start moving rapidly on the monitor. He closes his eyes and moves his right foot to be placed on the device. A moment later, Win flutters his eyes open and looks down. His face hardens at the numbers that's showing. 105.6 kg.

The man feels numb. Is this why people keep bullying him? Is this why his siblings keep scolding and avoiding him? Is this why Bright turned him down that night?

His breath suddenly quickens, and his chest feels heavy. "God..." He kicks the weighing scale until it is pushed back under the bed.

He has wasted enough time receiving no single explanation from Bright. The older man has been so unfair to him. He needs reasons for the winter storm that the man has put within himself. Tomorrow, he's going to make things right again.

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