Chapter 27: Escape

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Win is scheduled for a C-section in a week. Doctor Napasorn said his baby and his condition are normal. Everything is good. With male pregnancy, so far, the only way to give birth is through a C-section. The doctor recommended Win to do it in week 39 of gestation, unless if something happens that requires him to be operated earlier than the suggested time. Win is 38 weeks pregnant now or approximately nine months and two weeks.

His feet are swollen, and he has difficulty to walk. Bright carries him everywhere he wants to go except the bathroom because he claims it's the only private time he gets to have with himself. The older man has been working from home quite a lot lately.

Right now, Bright is having the time of his life, snickering at Win, who is trying to walk back to him from the bathroom near their kitchen. He's waddling because the baby bump is huge and he has put on some weight now. Even with his tall figure, he still has trouble of walking. Their little bunny has been growing healthily in his tummy.

Win huffs in pure annoyance at Bright's reaction. "I hate you so much," he gives him a glare that could wipe off the existence of the entire planet. His breathing is uneven and ragged, as if he just did some running.

"Don't blame me. You look like a very cute penguin," Bright grins.

The younger man stops in his tracks. His eyes are widening and his mouth is slightly agape. He has a look of surprise on his face. "P-Penguin?" He croaks. Tears well in his eyes, threatening to fall. "You c-compared me to a penguin?" He asks in pure disbelief. He begins to cry in the middle of the living room.

Bright curses under his breath because he has just pushed a sensitive button somewhere in Win. He stands up from the sofa almost instantly. "Prince, I-"

"Penguin!" Win screams dramatically and covers his face with his hands to muffle his sobs. "I hate you! I hate you!" He chants adamantly.

Bright rushes to his boyfriend and wraps his arm around his middle back. Then he carefully lifts him by placing another arm under his legs. Win doesn't struggle, but he is still crying to express his dissatisfaction. Bright places him on the sofa and hugs him. "I'm sorry for comparing you to a penguin. I didn't mean it the wrong way na. Forgive me, baby?"

"No," Win shoves him away and scoots further from him until he reaches at the end of the sofa. Bright sighs and gets up to take a bottle of foot cream from their bedroom. He is worried because Win's feet are a little swollen now. When he arrives back to the living room, Win is munching on apple with Nutella like nothing has happened while watching the TV. His tears are all gone, and he looks cheerful. Bright sits on the floor and grabs his leg. Win startles. "What are you doing?"

Bright flashes the bottle of cream in his hand at Win. "Gonna massage your feet," he tells. He opens the cap and squirts some on his palm before applying it to the arch of Win's right foot.

"I don't hate you," Win whispers quietly as he picks a piece of apple from the bowl that he's balancing on the baby bump. He pops it into his mouth.

Bright softly chuckles at that. "I know you don't, Prince. We've come so far for me to know that," he smiles, fingers delicately caressing his instep.

"I'm scared..." Win suddenly says. He can feel a sudden fear creeping into his soul.

The older man darts his gaze up to Win. "Of what, Prince?"

"Next week."

Bright tosses the foot cream on the sofa and inhales a deep breath. "I have something to tell you."

Win places the bowl of apple on the table. He rubs his belly and belches out loud. "Sorry," he coughs a little. "What is it, babe? It sounds serious. Did something happen?" He worriedly asks.

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