Chapter 26: Draw

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At five months, Win is able to balance a bowl of yogurt on top of his baby bump. He is pretty amused at the magic. It is Monday night, and he is resting in the living room with Bright on the sofa. His legs are rested over Bright's thighs and he has an arm wrapped around his shoulders. He's multitasking tonight-balancing the yogurt on his belly, eating and snuggling with his boyfriend.

"You're so cheerful tonight," Bright makes a comment after seeing Win's face that lights up beautifully. He has just finished showering after such a long day of work at Jamsai Publishing. No matter how tiring work is, it doesn't matter because at the end of the day, he gets to go back to his home. The younger man is his home.

Win scoops a spoonful of yogurt with strawberry and eats it. "Little bunny is-whoa!" He hisses at the slight discomfort he's feeling inside of him.

Bright panics. "What's wrong?" He lifts the bowl from Win's belly and puts it on the coffee table. Win rubs the side of his bump where he feels weird.

"I thought something mov-ah..." There's a kick in his tummy. "Little bunny just kicked," he says to Bright, a little dazed. His eyes are widening in disbelief.

The older man beams with joy. He instantly pulls up his pajamas top and cups his palms on his belly. "Hey, little bunny. Are you there? Dada said you just kicked. Can you do it again? Papa wants to see," he softly talks to their baby. The lilt in his voice makes Win's heart go soft. Without any warning, another strong kick is delivered from their little bunny. "He's kicking!" Bright gasps. There's an undulating wave formed on the surface of Win's belly for a few seconds before it goes away.

"That was a strong one too," Win chuckles, caressing Bright's hand. His eyes are glistening with tears. Bright leans in and kisses him on his lips. The kiss is chaste and slow. Win curls his arms around Bright's neck to pull him closer. Lately, that's all he has been doing. He just wants to stay close to Bright. "I love you so much," he smiles widely.

"What should we name our little bunny?" Bright leans his forehead on Win's.

The younger man shrugs. "I'm not sure. All I know is I want our kids to have your last name," he speaks what has been in his mind for ages now.

Bright is at a loss for words. "Prince-w-what? Are you sure?" His heart is racing in his chest because he didn't expect it.

"I am," Win hums. "I mean, we can always combine our last names, but don't you think it'd be a hassle for our kids when they grow up? They have to write their last name with three hyphens and it is quite long too," he snickers. "Chiva-aree-Opas-Iamkajorn or Opas-Iamkajorn-Chiva-aree... Their friends would have finished answering a test and our kids would still be writing their names on the test paper."

Bright laughs with his usual soft expression of joy at Win's little joke. His smile extends to his eyes and its beauty overflows in the room. Win is a star-struck over that smile. "You're such an idiot, Prince," he whispers after his laughter has died down.

"Seriously, I've been thinking about it. I want to expand The Chiva-aree's legacy," Win grins. "Plus, I've always liked your name. This is applicable only if you want to na. No pressure khrab."

Bright loosely hugs Win. "I'm honored if you want to put my last name for our little bunny and maybe our future kids," he expresses.

"As you should because it's a very beautiful name," Win rubs Bright's back, sighing in comfort.

Both fall into a moment of silence as they are thinking about the possible name to be given for their little bunny. Bright suddenly detaches himself from their hug with a face that looks like he has just gotten an unbeatable idea. "What about Dew? In literature, dew sometimes symbolizes purity and freshness, and a little bit of regeneration like starting over again," he excitedly tells Win. The younger man simply listens to what he has to say. "Or maybe Light? Light has a significant symbolism to us-we, we are living under our own light that we form for each other. It's-it sounds stupid. Never mind," he pouts in a tiny bit of frustration.

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