This is why people with sharp minds can be disconcerting. I had no response, so I shifted my focus ahead, but he repeated himself.

"Make sure to look at the original."

Then he laughed coldly, as if he was talking to himself.

"The ones who know a lot and prepare always win."

Before heading up to the usual small meeting room where I met with the manager, the madman greeted me in an unusual manner, saying, "See you in 10 minutes." As I opened the door to the conference room, I wondered about what would occur in the next 10 minutes. Inside, the agitated manager and Hansoo welcomed me with a loud exclamation.

"Taemin!! Why didn't you answer your phone?"

"Ugh~ I was so concerned because I couldn't reach you!"

It was only then that I retrieved my phone from my pocket and noticed that it was switched off. I pondered whether the battery had died. When I pressed the power button, the screen displayed a full battery indicator and a vivid flame icon. What? I never turned off my phone. Meanwhile, the manager continued his complaints.

"At dawn, the company suddenly called for an early morning meeting, so I tried to contact you, but you didn't answer your phone. I called again, thinking you might be asleep, but your phone was switched off. Taemin, did I bother you by any chance?!"

Avoiding the manager, who seemed about to cling to my arm, I suspected another person had turned off the phone. I cursed under my breath. While gritting my teeth, Hansoo also clung to my arm on the other side.

"I was genuinely concerned because I couldn't get through to you!"

"Why worry? I just didn't pick up the phone."

As I brushed off Hansoo and responded irritably, I soon discovered the reason behind their concern.

"Of course, I'm worried! Director Yoon asked us to gather, but what can we do without Taemin, who has the face of a poker player?"

So that was their concern. With my poker face, I decisively pushed away the two who were attempting to hold onto me once more.

"Is Director Yoon some kind of a monster?"

"Well, he's definitely madman," I muttered to myself, but the manager answered earnestly.

"A monster might be preferable. Then I could scream and flee."

Hansoo nodded beside him and added,

"Director Yoon is pure terror, plain and simple."

I gazed at the two with a thoroughly bewildered expression. After all, he seemed like a friendly guy on the surface. What was there to fear?

"There's nothing to be afraid of. It's not like he's singling us out for termination."

At that point, the manager exclaimed, placing his hand on my shoulder with a pat.

"You fool! Have you forgotten the meeting with Director Yoon in xxx city? He's the kind of person who casually quizzes us about the capital of Lithuania!"


"Yeah, judging by your expression, it looks like you've recollected. We narrowly escaped that challenging situation back then, thanks to the 'madman', but what if he throws more common sense questions at the meeting? We're like disposable wooden chopsticks at a Chinese restaurant, rolling around in drawers, irrelevant if they're discarded right away!"

Why do I have to be associated with these people and become disposable wooden chopsticks? Since the 'madman' was Director Yoon, there's bound to be a way to handle such questions if they arise. I wanted to blurt it out, but I restrained myself. If you found out that the madman and Director Yoon are the same person, you might be even more terrified.

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