What changed? I stopped flipping through the pages and scrutinized the information on the watches. The explanation was filled with unfamiliar words mixed with English, but I could grasp one key point: sophisticated appearance. But was it really the same watch? As I examined the two watch images, my eyes landed on the fine print beneath the advertisement. There were some words I didn't understand, but I noticed that it mentioned the watch's waterproof capability to a certain depth. Why would someone wear a watch while going swimming? Do rich people really do that?

As this revelation struck me, I turned several pages until I reached the section marked by Hansoo. Under the complex English name, Hansoo had thoughtfully provided the Korean pronunciation. I awkwardly mumbled the words to myself as I continued reading. Just then, I heard footsteps descending the stairs. I feigned intense focus on the magazine to make it seem like I was absorbed in it. The footsteps drew closer, and someone took a seat across from me. And Cha Joong-woo's greeting followed immediately.

"Hey, you little shit, is it morning already?"

His curses were accompanied by the smell of alcohol.

"Damn, I heard you've only been a trainee for two months. Do you find it amusing the way I am now? Someone like you would be fired by the company immediately..."

"What do you want to ask?"

I interrupted, growing increasingly irritated. He cursed briefly and glared at me.

"Watch your mouth. Who are you to interrupt me?"

I fixed my gaze on him and spoke slowly.

"Do you even have a clue yet?"


"Do I look like someone who's afraid of getting fired from their job, or like an aspiring celebrity seeking popularity around you?"

He furrowed his brow, scrutinizing me. I gave him a faint smile

"Think again. Because if you swear one more time, you might end up with that broken table leg in your head."


"What do you want to ask me?"

"...Is your name Lee Taemin?"

"Is that the only thing you want to ask?"

I was about to stand up, indicating that I was ready to leave, when he restrained a curse that was about to escape his lips.

"Is it true that your manager took responsibility for this? And to the guy who spread my work on the Internet."


"Who is he?"

"Are you certain your manager betrayed you?"

He clenched his jaw, clearly not pleased with the question.


In that case, there was no real need to listen to the recorded voice. I thought and gave the response he sought.

"Song Yoohan."

"Song... Yoohan?"

He stared at my lips momentarily, seemingly at a loss for words, and then double-checked.

"Song Yoohan? The one who played my younger brother in the drama xxx?"

I hadn't watched the drama "xxx," so I remained silent. Nonetheless, he burst into hearty laughter as if the show's title was of no consequence.

"Haha, it's the guy who used to whine to the director every day that his role was pitiful because it interfered with his sister's relationship. That bastard screwed me over."

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