Rule no. 9 - Stop giving him attention

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Khaotung's POV

I called Gun again and told him about First's intention and mentioned that it's Off who tells him what to do which really got Gun's attention...

"Off you say... he's more interesting than I thought. Anyways, I told you to ignore him, you've just ruined it for yourself."

"What? And I should be calm when they are talking about me behind my back? Should I play dumb?!"

"That's what you should do! First just got what he wanted from you, attention, and now he is one step ahead of you... oh boy, why do I have to do everything by myself?"

"What do you mean? Will you help me?"

"Now that Off is in the game as well... I can't let him win. Inform the rest and I'll tell you more on Sunday. Your house." He ended the call before I could say anything... I still don't know what's his deal with Off but I don't care as long as I can crush First and his pathetic team!

Now I had to rush to the rehearsal. This time we had to wear costumes which were just uniforms from high school we had to bring to the college. I'm sure I'll die of laughter when I see First.

But the first thing I saw in the auditorium was Milk and Love kissing each other... I was mad but then I noticed how happy she was... I didn't want to ruin it for her and left to the dressing room. First was already there but didn't change yet. When he noticed me, he put his phone down at which he was looking.

"Why the sorrow face?" I frowned at him.

"Did you forget that we are enemies?"

"That's just how you see it. I don't want to be in any stupid war with you." I approached him and lifted him up by grabbing his tank top.

"You started it so don't back away now!" I yelled but he grabbed my wrist and turned me around so now I was the one locked with his arms which he put on the locker.

"Is it that hard to accept one defeat? Are you too proud to admit that I won? You know, the war is completely useless but I don't care about winning, I care about..." He looked down and up as if he was checking me up. I swallowed... this is not the First I used to make fun of... this First is-.

"Damn, I almost forgot about the rehearsal! And I totally forgot to bring uniform! Does anyone have spare one-?" Neo looked at us while his hand was wrapped around Mark's neck.

"Oh, they are already practicing! You two are too into it, ain't you?!" Good thing they are both so dumb.

First finally let me go and I decided to change somewhere else. I can't even bear being in the same room with him! So pitiful! Running away from a guy who saw me jerking off in the bathroom and faked his relationship... pathetic!

When I returned, everyone was on the stage already and we even had some parts of scenery done.

"Khaotung, can you come to me, please?" Love looked at me and I didn't really want to talk to her but it was for the play and I had to be professional.

"Is it about the play? Don't tell me it's gonna be even more pervert today."

"No... I just wanted to know if you are okay... I know you've seen me with Milk. I'm sorry about that... I didn't plan it but when I saw how interested she was in my hobbies and paid me her full attention... I couldn't help myself." I smiled.

"I should be the one apologizing. I made you feel guilty when it was my fault that it didn't work out between us. Milk deserves you more and I don't care as long as you are happy." She cried.

"That was the most mature thing you've ever said... something happened?" She looked at First and I quickly denied it. Why do all of my changes have to be connected to First? Can't people try to get better on themselves?

"Oh and about the scene! It's gonna be a shower scene but with clothes because the professor forbid me from anything more... anyways, this time you take the lead, okay? You are gonna have a breakdown about how your life is cruel! Your mother was killed by Ohm and you can't accept it! First knows where you live so he comes to comfort you and hear you screaming in the bathroom, okay?" So my character just loses his mother but fucks First's character in the shower... how can anyone like this? But surprisingly I was excited for that! I can return him his audacity!

It all started with me fake crying behind the set piece.

"Nat?! Nat?!" First shouted my character's name and I sobbed. He found me in the supposed bathroom and put a towel over me as if I was naked.

"I can't do this, Jerk... I can't live without her... how could that bastard do that to her!" I was punching the ground until First stopped me.

"Calm down! Your mother would hate to see you like this!"

"There's no way you can understand me!" I looked at him and pushed him to the ground. He was lying on his back and I climbed on his top, my hands next to his shoulders.

"You can never understand... what I'm feeling right now..." He touched my cheek and I kissed him. Love forbade me to fake it so it was really mouth-to-mouth and I even enjoyed it. First was strong so always when I wanted to pull out for air, he pulled my face closer and didn't let me breathe. Then we made it as if I was taking his clothes soaked in water off and ended the scene. The kiss was longer than it should be in the script but our director would make it even longer. My scene ended and Ohm should shone on the stage with Nanon and their fake bed scene now.

Before I could realize it... I was turned on! No way! That's not possible! A playboy like me is turned on from kissing with a total loser! But First... he was making me sweat all of sudden... where is his insecurity? Where is his clumsiness? Why is he acting... so hot out of sudden?! No! This would mean I lost! I have to come up with a counter plan with Gun!

 so hot out of sudden?! No! This would mean I lost! I have to come up with a counter plan with Gun!

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