Rulo no. 4 - Comfort him

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First's POV

It's here! My first kiss scene with Khaotung who looks at me all the time like at some annoying bug!

Now I should play a scene where I go with my best friend Neo to the bathroom but find Khaotung crying. In the last scene my character finally learnt his name which is Nat and I didn't even learn it from him but from his mother Milk.

We were preparing backstage till Love would call us out.

"Hey, are you okay? You are gonna have a crying scene..." But when I looked at him, he already had a tear in his eye, no wait, he was holding eye drops.

"That's cheating!" He looked at me and smirked.

"Actors do this all the time... just crybabies can cry during every emotional scene like for example you." I grabbed his collar but Love already called for us.

"Sup Khao!" Neo smiled from ear to ear after his scene with Ohm where he could play with a fake gun.

"Neo, don't be friendly with First's friends that much. They are all suspicious!" He looked at me, Milk, Gawin, Nanon and Mark who joined us with him.

"They look pretty normal and fun to be with."

"You don't know what they are hiding mainly First and Mix! They're always up to something and look at Milk! She's shamelessly flirting with my girlfriend!" Khaotung shouted when Milk was whispering something to Love's ear.

"Your bad. Why don't you say something then? You've never shown much interest in Love anyways." I laughed behind them. Even his friends were against him. He frowned at me and grabbed my hand.

"Let's play the scene so I don't have to see your face for the rest of the day again!" He doesn't realize but every physical touch we share... can make me hard. And I still haven't kissed him.

"Wait, I need to go to the restroom."

"We are going, it's a scene in the restroom."

"I mean..." He looked down and frowned at me again.

"Again? Are you sick or what?"

"It's because of you!" He let go of my hand and backed away.

"Don't drag me into this... just take care of it..." That went well, First, you just disgusted him. Now I'm one hundred percent sure I'm attracted to him and I don't even have to kiss him. If I kiss him... will it be more than just lust? If I feel something, does it mean I really have a crush on that jerk? I was so confused but my body knew the answer before me.

The play started and I dragged Neo to the imaginary restroom because we still didn't have scenery on which Milk worked as well.

"I'm telling you, Tor, there is something wrong with Nat!"

"Calm down, Jerk! Aren't you dating Mong? It's not your duty to care about the new boy."

"Mong? Who's that?"

"Your boyfriend!" My character's mind was occupied with Khaotung's character just as mine in real life.

Khaotung started sobbing while kneeling on the floor.

"Did you hear that?" Neo shrugged and I opened the imaginary door.

"Nat!" I quickly hugged Khaotung and told Neo to inform the teacher about Nat's bad state.

"It's all right, I'm here... was it your mother again?" Khaotung shook his head and played the trauma really well.

"She... she... they kidnapped her!" He cried into my chest. I think it's not a good timing to kiss him but it was in the script so...

"Nat, don't worry, we'll save her-!" Wait... I should be the one to kiss him... why did he kiss me first?!

"Do you promise, Jerk?" He looked at me like a puppy and I couldn't help it. It should be just a short kiss but I smacked my lips against his and kissed him more than once. He pushed me away out of sudden.

"Director! He can't play!" But she was crying while holding Milk's hand.

"Did you see what I saw, Milk? How did my scene become something so beautiful?" Milk hugged her and Khaotung frowned.

"I can see pretty well what you are trying to do here, Love! Are you trying to match me up with First so you don't feel guilty that you cheat on me with Milk?! But it's the end of it, we are over!" He shouted at her and left the stage.

"Hey! I'll use it for First's and Gawin's break-up scene!" She... nevermind, I can never understand girls.

"Aren't you even little sad, Love?" I asked her and she bowed her head.

"I was waiting for this... it hurts much less than dating him while not knowing where he is and seeing my messages to him on read... I'm not happy about it but I feel better than before."

"Oi First, don't judge Love!" Milk was killing me with her eyes and I rather got out of the place. I was also worried about Khaotung. Break-ups are always hard.

I saw him actually crying on the stairs while having emptiness in his eyes.

"She never liked me... and I never liked her... it was just a momentary feeling..." I approached him and sat next to him but rather on the other side.

"Shouldn't you be as wasted as me? Our girlfriends fooled us this whole time..." I whistled and he lifted his head.


"It was fake... Milk was lesbian since the beginning. And I... well, that doesn't matter. We hid our fake relationship in front of Joong. You can understand because Dunk is the same as him. Stubborn... but when they saw their crushes flirting with each other, I don't think they'll bother them anymore... I'm sorry. It must be hard for you."

"No, I didn't feel the sparkling between us for a longer time but I did not expect Love to act like this... like nothing is happening..."

"She cried, Khaotung! She cried for too long but was trying to move on... you didn't see it but Milk did." He turned away from my face.

"Of course you'd be on her side." I looked at him.

"Of course not! This is just my point of view and I see it like this... if you want, you can talk to me."

"No thanks, Pod is enough with his annoying lectures... I'm sure he'll be nagging again about my next girlfriend." This hurts...

"What about... a boyfriend?" He was annoyed.

"I thought we could talk to each normally but you always bring your horny ass into it." He said and got up. Damn... I need Off so much right now!!

 I need Off so much right now!!

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