"He runs the takoyaki store I work at. Our takoyaki is the best in the world!"

And that was how the Straw Hats' route towards saving Hachi was decided.



The first mate finally descended from the crow's nest. "Are we already setting off? Does it look like we can get to Fishman Island?"

"Forget that, and look here! It's Caimie the mermaid! She's real! Awesome, right?" Sanji said.

"Although this is the first time I've seen one." Yukiko said as she let Pachi and Varian greet Caimie.

"Anyway, you guys are quick to offer your help," Pappagg stated. "But, are you sure you can handle this?"

"Yeah!" Luffy grinned. "We're strong, you know!"

"I should warn you, there's not just one gang of kidnappers around here," the starfish grimly stated. "There are plenty of these guys on the Sabaody Archipelago. Human trading is big business around here."

"What?" Yukiko heard. In her world, all forms of slavery was strictly forbidden as it was the word of Arceus. Those who broke that rule in the ancient past faced severe consequences.

"Selling human lives?" Sanji growled. "That's horrible!"

"Mermaids are particularly valuable, and the Makuro crew, a gang of three Fishmen, have been after Caimie for a while now." Pappagg continued to explain. Hachi from the takoyaki shop, probably thought that we had been kidnapped by the Makuro crew and went after them since we've been missing for a while after being eaten by that monster."

"That's probably it," Caimie looked forlorn. "Hachi is a kind, straightforward person after all. It's my fault..."

Zoro downed a cup of water. "Hearing about this octopus named Hachi, I can't help but think of that stupid Fishman."

Sanji blew a plume of smoke. "If it's him, then we're not gonna help. Well, there's no way..."

"Usually, Hachi could beat those guys easily, but who'd have thought that the Flying Fish Riders would help them?" Pappagg stated.

"Who're they?" Franky drawled.

"Another kidnapping gang who started causing a lot of trouble around these parts recently," Pappagg volunteered. "They say that if they target you, you're doomed. Their boss, Duval, is a guy with an iron mask. Nobody knows what he really looks like. It seems like he's searching for someone, since they check every ship that passes this area."

"What an annoying guy," Franky commented.

"Well, anyway, there's no need for you to worry, Caimie." Luffy smiled. "We'll definitely save the takoyaki!"

"It's the takoyaki seller!" Pappagg yelled out.

"Thank you, Luffy -chin!"

"Sure! Well then, Brook! Play a song to get us in the mood!"

Brook chuckled as he produced his violin. "With pleasure!"

As the strains of 'Bink's Sake' filled the air, everything seemed peaceful.

And then, the flying fishes rained down on them.

"The fish are flying!" Usopp yelled.

"So cool~!" Luffy gazed in awe.

"Is this the time to be impressed?" Zoro yelled at him.

"Damn, they're gonna attack us!" Franky swore.

Pokemon Trainer of the StrawhatsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora