"K-K!" Olivia said loudly before hugging him and he hugged her back. The scene was so adorable.

"Hey, Olivia I missed you!" He stated before I heard Mrs.Brown yelling.

"Whose at the door? Kobe I told you not to open the door without permission!" She announced coming around the corner.

"It's Olivia, mommy." Kobe said.

"Oh hey you guys, what brings you by?" She said wiping her flour filled hands on her apron.

"Well, Olivia wanted to hang with Kobe and Kendal." I said smiling.

"Well, Kendal's sleep right now, but in the meantime Kobe can keep you company. Right, Olivia?" She simply nodded in response before Kobe took her hand and they ran to another room.

"So, I guess I'll get out of here-" I started to say

"No stay, I could use the company." She said. Although I didn't really want to stay I thought I'd be polite and stay for a little bit.

"I guess I could stay for a little bit." I said smiling at her before she led me to the kitchen.

I sat at the table before she started talking.

"So, what's been going on with my sweet Jack?" She asked sitting down at the table with me after putting her cupcakes in the oven.

"Well, I've been working hard to find a job so I can help out, but so far I haven't had any luck." I stated sighing.

"Well, what kind of jobs have you been applying for?" She asked.

"Any that would get me in with just a GED."

"Well is there any you really want?"

"Yeah, I do want this one job as a maid for Jack Gilinsky. Do you know him?" I asked.

"Yeah the one whose married to that model? Right?" I nodded in response. "Oh he's a cutie." She said winking.

I blushed knowing I had a major crush on him, but I wouldn't try to push myself on him knowing he has a wife. Even though, if I get this job it's going to be very hard not to be attracted to him.

"I know, but if I get the job everything will be professional and nothing more. Especially since he has a wife."

She replied, "I would think so. You never want to get caught up with a married man. But let's talk about your love life. What's been going on?"

I answered, "Nothing really, I'm not looking."

Mrs. Brown was clearly aware with my attraction to males. I don't know what made her draw the conclusion, but ever since I met her 3 years ago she knew I was gay and just confirmed when I told her my story.

"Well, when you do, let me know. I want to finally hear all about whatever little boyfriend you get." She said clapping her hands smiling at me while she stood up from the table.

"Wait are you still a virgin?" She asked with wide eyes.

"What? No, no." I said chuckling at her question.

"Oh okay. It's just that you haven't had a boyfriend in all the times that I've known you and I didn't know." She said laughing. I was blushing really hard at this point, I'm sure.

"No, I lost it to my last boyfriend." I said smiling slightly thinking about Nash.

Ever since I left home, I try really hard not to think about Nash because I never really got to say goodbye to him. Every now and then I find myself wondering about how he is, how he looks now, if he is okay, if he's moved on, or if he thinks about me just as much as I think about him.

To be honest it's really hard not to think about it since he was my first love. No one could ever replace him.

"Oh, was it to that Nash kid you told me about." She said checking her cupcakes.

"Yep that's the one." I said smiling before we continued talking about jobs, if I was going back to school, and different things we heard about. Then, I looked down at my phone to see I had been here for about an hour and I could have gotten an email.

"Well, Mrs. Brown it was nice talk to you, but I should be heading out. I need to keep looking for a job." I announced getting up.

"Okay, thanks for keeping me company sweetheart." She replied smiling.

"You're so welcome. You know I love talking to you." I said going over to kiss her cheek. "Is Olivia okay to stay for a little longer or you want her to come with me?"

"She can stay for however long she wants."

"Okay see you, Mrs.Brown."

"Bye Jack." And with that I left.

Once I got back home I went straight to my computer and logged into Yahoo once again.

Then, once again there was still no email back.

I sighed going to sit down on the couch. Watching tv because to be honest I was tired of job searching. I stayed there till Aunt Maxine got home.

"I'm home." She said in her waitress uniform.

"Hey." I said softly no even sparring her a look.

"What's with you?" She asked putting her purse on the counter.

" I still haven't gotten a freaking email!" I huffed out, running my hands down my face in exasperation.

"I beg to differ because on this computer I see an email from Steven Carter." She announced standing in front of the computer. I turned around so quick I think I got whiplash.

"What? Are you serious?" I asked getting up.

"Yeah, you got it about an hour ago." She said pointing to the screen of the computer scouting over so I could see it myself.

I sat down fast and opened the email beginning to read.

'Mr.Johnson after much time of consideration and negotiation with Mr. Gilinsky we have decided that you have gotten the job.

He would like you to start tomorrow and be at this address (6941 Lindenwood Boulevard) promptly at 8:30 a.m.

You will be working from 8:30 a.m. till whenever Mr.Gilinsky dismisses you from your duties.

Don't worry about bringing cleaning supplies because they will be provided. However, if you have any further questions than don't hesitate to contact this email address or (xxx)-xxx-xxx.

Congratulations and have a great day.'

After I got done reading I literally starting jumping up and down smiling.

"I'm guessing you got the job?" She asked with a smile.

"I got the job!" I yelled hugging her tightly.

This was the most exciting thing that's happened to me since... well, a long time.

"Wait, where's Olivia?" She asked unraveling her arms from around me.

"Oh, she's over to Mrs.Brown's house. Did you know her and Kobe are apparently dating?" I replied chuckling.

"Dating?" She replied with her face scrunch up. "Dating my ass. Her little ass isn't dating anything, but them books when school starts back up."

Even though she was laughing we both knew she was dead serious. Aunt Maxine never liked the thought of young kids dating since you get to do a lot of that later on in life. Now that it is her own daughter doing it I know she's really against it and honestly I don't blame her even though I know that with them it was harmless.

I chuckled shaking my head thinking about my new job.

Tomorrow is going to be an eventful day.

Bed Of Lies |Jolinsky|Where stories live. Discover now