25 ~ Eternity

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"This is lady Agatha. She'll be monitoring you for the next twenty-four hours to see if you can control your power." Darryn introduces me to a woman that arrived with a whole group of immortals with magic. "I lived with them for almost three months before guardian Green adopted me."

I'm not good with seeing through immortals, how do I know I can trust her? Lady Agatha smiles, but the smile doesn't reach her eyes. She looks worried...

"Have you had any episodes during the night?" She asks me.


I hear Neo laugh softly so I look back at him, sending a glare to him. He mouths, 'Sorry.'

Elijah says to the woman, "We only have twenty-four hours to see if she needs to be changed or not. I hope you will keep everything that you see and hear confidential."

She nods, "Of course king Elijah." She asks me again. "Did you release fire again after coming here?"

"No. I didn't." Because I stayed away from Elijah as much as I could.

"We'll need to make you angry so that I can see what happens to see if I need to coach you on how to control your fire magic if you are angry."

Neo, "Well that's easy. Just have Elijah talk to her- I mean king Elijah."

Lady Agatha folds her arms, "I think I'm beginning to understand how you triggered your fire magic. The king murdered you in your previous life, so now you struggle to forgive and trust him."

I feel my cheeks heat up. I'm glad the rest of her group aren't in the room with us.

"What will it take for you to forgive him?" She asks bluntly, looking serious waiting for an answer.

Honestly? Do I need to open up towards her? I don't even know her.

"I understand that it's personal. But in order for you to even be able to exist, you need to deal with whatever is triggering your anger."

.. able to exist.. Does she mean I shouldn't? "So you mean I shouldn't exist? I should not exist?"

I can feel the static power start to rise, and I know my eye colour has changed to red.

I barely hear the woman, "Focus on whatever makes you happy."

"What?" I ask confused, my own voice sounding far away to my ears.

"What makes you happy?" She asks again.

Both my brother and Elijah looks to be on high alert. I then look over at Neo who has made himself comfortable on a chair in the room that looks like a very large study. He looks relaxed and is staring out of the overly large window. A smile suddenly forms on my lips when images of him and Charlotte, from a time when they were happy, floods through my mind.

"I see." I hear the woman. "He is the man that makes you happy?"

The smile fades from my face as soon as I realize what she just said. "What?"

"Your magic settled as soon as you smiled."

I smiled? "I smiled?"

"Yes. As soon as you looked into his direction."

Elijah looks unhappy. "Let's not read too much into it, Daniella is my reborn mate."

"I'm not saying she has any special feelings for him, your majesty. Still, the fact is that some part of her trusts him. We need to use that to our advantage."

"So I think about him and Charlotte every time I get angry? I ask her.

"Yes, sure. But just happy things." She tells me also, "Try to spend the next twenty-four hours as close to king Elijah as you can and teach yourself to control your magic." She walks towards the door, "I'll be joining my group now. Call me if you need me."

Darryn seems a little more relaxed. "See, I told you that Agatha will know what to do."

Elijah grabs my hand.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"We must be as close as we can be for the next twenty-four hours."

I roll my eyes, and still let him lead me out not protesting. What choice do I have?

What is a little okay at first, becomes a nightmare. Elijah wants to follow me into the bathroom after I spend a few hours alone in the study with him while he had an online meeting.

"You can't comr in here with me." With flame red eyes I put my foot down.

"Okay, I'll wait outside." He walks out of the bathroom, then shuts the door.

It takes me a few seconds to calm down after thinking about happy memories between Neo and Charlotte.

In the afternoon he has to speak with one of his guards in the training room, and it is then that I see quite a few well-build males excersising. Beautiful sight... Wow... Unfortunately he gets jealous so I have to wait outside, "You can wait outside."

"Why? You dragged me in here."

"It's confidential. Now wait outside." He says in a very stern tone, laced in a type of authority that I can't disobey.
He just used that tone on me?! But I dare not to show him my distaste, because his eyes became a darker shade.

I leave and wait outside which was outside in the garden. Sitting down on a garden chair, I appreciate being alone. Will this even work?

Agatha and her team are a short distance away from me. Darryn is also there. I get up from the chair and walk over.

Destiny has left its mark Book 1 (Vampire Romance) Where stories live. Discover now