23 ~ Let me down slowly

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It's late afternoon at the beach house as I make my way to the kitchen.

I hear her before I can see her when I am close to the entrance of the kitchen.
"What are you saying?" Penelope's voice laced with hurt, talking in an almost whisper.

"It can't work between us." It's Neo.

The two of them are standing very close, when I enter. It doesn't look like they know I am there, so caught up are they in each other.

"Why?" There are tears in her eyes. "We were good together."

"Stop it Pen." He's not moving away from her, but wiping a strand of hair from her face. The two of them looks like the perfect match, posing for an explicit magazine with their sun-tanned figures. wearing nothing but costumes on perfect figures. His hair wet and messy, hers hanging loose, curls out of control.

She looks at his lips, and I am feeling uncomfortable now seeing them that close. There definately is an attraction there. Wow, intense attraction. I want to leave them alone, but the rawness has caught me off guard, and my feet won't walk.

She moves in and kisses him. He gently pushes her away, bringing distance between them. "No."

"Why?" As if she realizes something she adds, "Oh. It's her, isn't it? You still have feelings for her. I always wondered why I had your body but your heart was always absent. Now that I finally know the full story, I realize."

"We are not good for each other." He sees me first. "Let me get you something to drink." He says to me before walking over to the fridge and opening it.

Penelope crosses her arms and glares at him dissapointed. She however, smiles at me, "I'm sorry you had to see that."

"It's between you two." I say feeling awkward.

"Neo is just being Neo." She rolls her eyes at him. "I don't even believe that mates even exist anymore, but he insists-" She pauses, "And he insists that you are his. I mean, how is that even possible? You are someone else's mate."

He walks over with three beers after he opened the beer bottles with a bottle opener.

After a small sip, I walk over to the kitchen counter and sit down. I love being this close to the sea, but I miss home. After hours of just staring out from my bedroom window while on my bed, I went to take a shower before coming down to get something to eat and drink. They looked like they enjoyed the sea a lot when they were swimming, and there were distance between them then.

"I'm going to take a shower to cool down." Penelope takes her beer with her.

"She's not the person I thought she was." I say with a smile.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm great." I say, a little smile forming.

"Are you sure? You turned down our offer to go for a swim, and you only come out now when the sun is about to set."

"I just needed time to settle in. What's it with you? There is definately something between the two of you, why deny it?"

"She gets too emotionally attatched, it's makes working with her too difficult."

"Then why not just be in a relationship?"

"We've been agents for a very long time, and won't give it up that easily."

Ah. Agents. "Can you tell me about your work. I mean, I've heard you go through all sorts of tests but only the best gets chosen."

"It's hard to get selected."

"You have a lot of assignments sometimes."

"Which is normal because immortals with magic and abilities exist."

"I've always wondered who you all report to."

"That I can't say."

"Can we go to the beach?" I ask him.

"Let's go." He grabs my free arm and drag me through the house.

It's a few minutes later when Elijah and Darryn meets us on the beach, both wearing shorts and t-shirts. I am very happy that Elijah is here with us.

Neo and Darryn goes for a swim, Elijah sits down next to me on the wet sand. My denim shorts are soaked through with sea water and wet sand.
"They shouldn't be able to find us here." I hear him say, his voice laced with relief.

" I can feel he's my brother, but I haven't seen any proof. And he mentioned Lisa, can we even trust him?"

Elijah takes out a piece of folded paper from his shorts, "I think this should proof that he's your twin brother."

"What's it?"

"It's from the hospital. Darryn was born before you, and I just saw he has the same scar as you have over your heart when he changed his t-shirt."

The memory of how Elijah saw the scar over my heart comes back, I remember the kiss too.

Elijah smiles.

The detail on the peace of paper confirms it. "I guess I have a twin brother."

"You're not happy about it."

"I've been classified as a reject for most of my life. Now suddenly I have magic and I have a twin brother. You are all here, putting yourselves in danger because of me." He moves even closer to me and puts his arm around me. "So what's next?" I ask, enjoying being that close to him.

"We wait."

"For what?"

"Darryn will help us to think of a plan."

"Aren't you trusting him too easily?"

"He's your twin brother." Elijah says it as if it's an obvious reason to trust Darryn. "And he's a yin."

"Okay. So you trust him because he's my twin and a yin. You don't even know him."

"A yin can be trusted because of the light magic."

We see Penelope joining Neo and Darryn in the water, the trio have fun together.

Elijah speaks so I look at him again. "The guardians requested a meeting with the council and me. I said that I'm busy and that we can meet in three days, so we have three days to come up with a plan."

"Only three days?"

"Only three days."

"What other plan can there be?"

"There must be something we can do."

"There is, change me into a vampire before we do the spell. In that way everyone stays safe."

"You don't know how it is to be a vampire." Elijah removes his arm and I immediately feel the chill of the air.

"It can't be that bad."

"It might be too wild for you."

"I don't think I have a choice."

He gets up on his feet before holding out his hand that I take, then pulls me to my feet and into his arms. He looks down at me, an intense look in his eyes. "Just let me protect you, okay?"

"It's hard to think of you as a protector."

He looks hurt. "I know what I did to Charlotte was wrong."

"Are you here only because I look like Charlotte?" I manage to free myself from his arms because he lets me, then I leave feeling angry.

Do you even care about me? Or Charlotte?

Destiny has left its mark Book 1 (Vampire Romance) Where stories live. Discover now