24 ~ Fire on Fire

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Elijah catches up with me, blocking my way."Let me go." I say hating it that he just wouldn't let me go. It's enough that he sees someone else when looking at me, why try to persuade me that I am what he wants?

"I can't." He admits with seriousness in his eyes. "You know I can't."

"I am not who you think I am. I can't be."

"You are. Nothing can change that."

"What if you kill me? Am I supposed to just be with you?"

"I will not kill you." After a short pause. "I know you love me." His hand moves to my cheek and touches it. "We are meant to be together."

"And if I disagree?"

His hand leaves my cheek and picks up my hand. "Then I'll not let you go, not untill you see that you are safe with me." He turns over my hand and scrapes over it with one of his nails, breaking the skin a little. Then he bites himself and lets a few drops of blood fall over the small cut that heals within seconds.

I pull my hand back. "What did you do?"

"I made sure I can find you no matter where you go."

"You have no right." I say feeling the sparks of power raise in my hands, the sparks becoming pools of fire. Anger boiling up inside of me.

Neo speaks behind me, "Calm down, Daniella."

"I don't want to." I say not taking my eyes off Elijah, my eyes burning because of tears.

Neo says to Elijah. "What did you do, brother? Didn't we agree you'd go easy on her?" Neo is moving himself to stand in between the two of us, not caring that he pushed Neo a bit away to be able to.

"What's going on here?" It's Darryn holding a can of coke. He then sees the flames of fire coming from my hands.

"What's it to you?" I ask, not moved by the shock in his eyes. "I don't know you. You could be working with anyone."

"I am your brother, Daniella."

"Yeah. My brother who happens to appear at Lincoln Academy to search for his yang."

"Guardian Green asked me to come. I had no idea that you were there. Believe me, I was just as surprised as you."

"Let's just all go inside. Even if this is a private beach, humans could appear. This house isn't the only one on this side of the beach." Neo suggests.

I manage to calm myself down, so the flames isn't there anymore. Human. I was human until my whole world fell apart. What I wouldn't give to have my old life back. Now I have no choise but to become a vampire. "I've decided to become a vampire, and do the spell. No one will stop me." I am looking at Neo.

"If that's what you want, we will all agree." Says Neo. "But you have to try to control your emotions."

Penelope who have been standing, watching us, says. "We can't change you here. And who will?"

"I will." Says Elijah.

Neo adds, "He's the strongest vampire, so it will help with your vampire side's domination over your magic."

"I know the perfect place. We'll have to leave now if we want to reach it before sunrise." It's Elijah.

Neo nodds. "That's probably the best place. No one can interfere with you there."

Penelope grabs my hand. "Let's go pack."

Creatures that looks like the dead, appears out of nowhere. My friends start to fight with them, and I realize that if I don't fight back that I could die. So I stretch out my hands sideways and then shut my eyes to try and find the fire power, because I need a lot of it. Seconds later, my eyes open and I know they are the colour of flames, so I push through and finally reach deep inside of me and focus on releasing the power. Fire illuminates out of me behind my back first, like two angel wings. Then fire comes out through the rest of me, including my hands. I focus, before I throw it at the living dead, killing them.

By then Elijah is rushing to my side, but he can't come too close because the fire won't let him.

The fight is over, we won against a legion of living dead, that disappear as soon as they are defeated.

The fire on me disappears and all of us are looking at each other, wondering who would use such a dangerous method to attack. "Who would send the living dead?" It's Penelope.

Darryn. "The guardians."

"They work with the living dead now?" It's Elijah who has come close enough to me to see if I am hurt.

"I'm fine." I tell him.

Penelope smiles. "Your power surfaced."

I smile back at her.

"And you could control it." Neo sounds surprised. "Maybe you don't need to become a vampire."

"We have to leave now. They know where we are now." Elijah picks me up. "We move now. No cars. " To Darryn he says. "You know what to do." To Neo he says, "You take Penelope."

Neo nods before he takes Penelope's hand.

Darryn suddenly disappears before Neo and Penelope leaves using vampire speed.

"Ready?" Elijah asks.
I nod before closing my eyes and tightning my grip around his shoulder.
He moved us pretty fast for what felt like hours, before he stopped.

Darryn. "Wow, I've always wondered if this Castle still exists."

I look up at the majestic castle in front of us, then memories of Charlotte and Elijah floods through my mind, and I am Charlotte. It's here where they first spend a night together.
Elijah puts me down. "Let's get inside." He says to all of us.
Shaking my head to rid myself from the memories and feelings attached to it, I take a deep breath before starting to walk.
I fall in between Darryn and Elijah, Neo and Penelope are following us. Mesmerized by what I see, I trip over something that caughts my foot.

Elijah catches me, "Careful."
I nod briefly before we continue to walk, him holding my hand in a firm grip.

Why do I feel like I'm home?

Destiny has left its mark Book 1 (Vampire Romance) Where stories live. Discover now