1 ~ The Call

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Darres has a pristine countryside, clean air, wealth of culture, medieval castles, small towns, magnificent palaces and the misty valley, that is an Alpine valley, this valley passes through the Mystic mountains.

Seasons offer everything from summer sun and heat to winter cold and snow.

Nightlife and bars are prestigious, and the Malls has everything. And then of course there are a lot of buildings and shops and houses and apaetments where people live. Our schools are enough, and the cirriculum includes our history. Those with magic usually stick together and practise together after work and school. Vampires doesn't normally form cliques, but of course they put more importance on money and status. Well, except for a few vampires that I have become friends with since young. Ellie is closest to me, and we both celebrate our birthdays on June 12th. The group of vampires lives together in a Castle owned by one of them named Abraham whose rich and a nephew of the royal family through his father. His parents passed away during an attack when he was seventeen over three years back, and since then the group moved in with him. I lived with the group for a short while until I found the job at the City Hall.

Darres is the home of vampires, those with magic and rejects like me who are the omegas.

I stay in a one bedroom, adjecent to a Castle, that I rent from the owner. There are three rooms in total: my bedroom, an open kitchen with a space for a double couch and a coffee table, and a bathroom that is the third room.

It's rainy outside when I open the front door to go to work. Looking up into the sky from beneath my umbrella, I am reminded of the reason I woke up in a sweat in the early morning hours and couldn't fall asleep again. The sky was grey like this when I saw him pulling out his sword and coming closer so that the point touched my heart. I felt betrayed and I couldn't believe it, "Elijah-" "Quiet." He said his voice laced with hatred as well as his hazel eyes, "You deserve to die."

Couldn't I've had a happier life before? Why me? Why does it have to feel so real as if it just happened? What demons will I have to deal with now? Who will want to kill me and for what reason?

A hooter brings me back to reality, "Daniella! " It's Ellie, who is my best friend and co-worker.

I rush towards her car and jump in after I closed my umbrella.

"I saw you left me a couple of messages. Did you even get enough sleep?" She steered us into the road. It's normal for vampires to be up all night, they can go for days without sleeping.

"I dreamt of my past life."

After a short silence, "Are you going to tell me?"

"I died young."

"How young?"

"Nineteen. I was murdered." She knows it will repeat itself unless we find a way to prevent it.

She gasps then suddenly press the breaks, and my head falls foreward, "We should be able to change it. You've just turned nineteen, so we still have over eleven months to prevent it. Who murdered you?"

"There are cars coming., Ellie" I warn her while looking over my shoulder.

"We'll figure something out." She put the car in gear and we moved again, "The King has returned and will be visiting City Hall today. We must hurry in to avoid the crowd that will be outside waiting to meet him."

I roll my eyes. No one knows how he looks, or at least those who haven't seen him yet. "Why has he come back?" Everyone knows he was gone for three hundred years.

She parks the car and then switches off the engine, "He is here to claim the throne."

I step out of the car, "Seems like you were right about the crowd."

The security guard signals for us to use the side door, which helps us to avoid the crowd.

I chill aimlessly while remembering the agonising dream I had the night before about a man that murdered me over three hundred years ago by piercing a sword through my heart. I loved him, and looked at him in disbelief, teary eyes before my body gave out and I fell to the floor and breathed out my last breath...heartbroken...

Bending down I pick up a book that fell from the pile I just put down on the trolley, unaware of the tear rolling down my cheek. I will never fall for any man again, because the man I loved in my previous life murdered me without remorse. Angry I placed the book I had just picked up on the small pile of books and made my way to the counter to Ellie who will sign them out for one of the people working upstairs.

Ellie scans the barcodes before the desk phone rings, "Yes, sir. I'll arrange that." She hangs up, "You have to take it to the Governor's office."

"Me? Can't Sam take it?"

"Sam's not here yet."

Sam was never late, so something must have happened, he is a vampire and one of our friends.

"I'll call him and find out." She picks up the small pile before walking around the counter and placing it in my hands. "Now go. "

The Governor is a very strict but fair man who has magic and looks to be in his late fifties who graduated top of his class and knew the previous King personally. Those with magic has immortality but they eventually start to age but at a slower pace when they reach the one-hundred-year mark. I rushed through a door towards the elevators. I hear Ellie behind me just before the elevator door closes, "He doesn't like to wait." The Governor is a punctual person.

The corridor to the governor's office is eerie quiet, which is a first. Everyone seems busy, which is strange. Usually by this time, all are having coffee and discussions about their lives. I find the Governor's secretary Ruth at her desk. Ruth has magic and is always friendly towards me, "You can go in." She says pointing at the door that was slightly open.

"I must go in?" I thought the Governor prefers books to be left with her.

"The Governor is away on business" She stands up and whisper, "King Elijah requested those."

I looked at the door. We both heard from inside the office, "I'm waiting." That voice sounds familiar. Where have I heard that voice before? My legs begin to move by themselves and before I know it I am facing King Elijah. The man that murdered me in my previous life.

He looks much better now, even more handsome than he did three-hundred-years ago. He's wearing a modern expensive suit and his hazel eyes looks surprised for a few seconds. I feel myself blush when he gets up and gets rid of the jacket. He is truly an amazing built specimen- I mean man or whatever. I've never in this life been interested to date anyone and I am still not. Is it only me or has the temperature gone up?

He tilts his head and says, "Have we met before?" He looks tired which is strange for a vampire who can go days without sleep. The desk looks a mess, files all over.

I shake my head, lying to him. Of course he won't remember anyway. Or at least I hope he will not remember me. I am shaking and the small pile of books fall out of my hands. He comes to me and bends down with me to help me pick them up. Both of us reach for the same book, and I pull back as soon as I feel the electricity. He jumps up suddenly , saying in a stern voice, "You can leave now."

And I leave, shaken.

Destiny has left its mark Book 1 (Vampire Romance) Where stories live. Discover now