16 ~ Hero

14 2 0

"She's awake." I hear a female voice whisper right after I opened my eyes. The ceiling above me tells me that it's not my own home. Oh yes, I went with Elijah. Images of what happened went through my mind. I passed out after that power was released... But how? I'm a reject, I'm not supposed to have magic. I have to talk to him to get answers.

Slowly sitting up, I see that I'm on a couch in a living room. The woman is standing close to where I am, smiling. She is wearing a maid uniform, her long salt and pepper hair tied behind her back.

Abraham looks at me from where he sits on a single couch.

"When did you get here?" I ask, expecting to see a smile from him in return. He's not smiling back and it's new to me.

"I can't get used to you looking like this. I mean, you look even better than before, but..." His voiced laced with regret, "You are not the person I knew."

"You're treating me like a stranger now?" His eyes doesn't look at me the same way they used to, they look sad and tired. It upsets me.

I look up at the woman."Can you give us a minute ?" I ask her, "Alone?"

She looks uncomfortable. "I don't think that would be proper."

Abraham gets up, "I have something to do."

"Why do I feel like you don't want to know me anymore? Did something happen?"

"I'm sorry. Maybe I liked the old you too much."

It hurts hearing him talk like that. "I am still me."

"You aren't the person I knew, Daniella. You are the king's mate."

I get up, "I didn't say that I'm his mate." A tear rolls down my cheek. "I am still me."

"I have to go." He walks out, leaving the door open behind him.

"Wait." I rush to catch up with him. "Where's Ellie?"

"She's been caught. Turns out she is Beverly's niece. They found each other when they were younger." Abraham walks away leaving me alone, hands in his pockets like he always did when something bothered him.

Did I just loose his friendship? I hug myself. I want to run after him. I want to have him as a friend. I need a friend right now. You promised to take me out of here. I wipe a tear away with the back of my hand.

The young woman speaks behind me, "The king is waiting for you, mam."

I breath in, supressing my heartache, I refuse to break down. My hands ball into fists by my side. I'll end this once and for all.
"Okay." I feel inner turmoil while following the woman. I've lost my two best friends.

Elijah's the first to look up when I enter. "Leave us alone." He says to the group with him, all sitting spread out at a very large dinner table. It looks like they discussed something. One of them gatheres pieces of paper before putting them away with a laptop into a bag. Too afraid I'd see what you're up to?

The group walks out, shutting the door behind them. Elijah gets up from the chair. "Have a seat. Our dinner will be here any second." After finding a seat, he pours us each a glass of wine, "I hope you like it." He sits down too on the seat next to me.

"We have to talk." I say ignoring the wine.

He tilts his head to the one side showing interest. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't want to be your mate." I say quickly.

Hurt flash in his eyes.

"I grew up as someone else. And I don't want to be your Queen."

"Is it because I killed you?"

"Don't you get it? I'm not Charlotte Grave." I frown. "You see her every time you look at me."

"But you are her."

I get up. "I'm leaving."

He gets up too. "You can't leave."

"Why not?" I fold my arms.

"Because you are my mate."

"No. I'm not." I walk towards the door.

"None of your bank cards will work. Also, you can't go back to work in the Library anymore."

I pause. He has a point. Because of Darres' magical creatures, a system has been used to also show faces of bank accounts. And my ID Card has a picture that doesn't look like me anymore.

"You can't run from who you are."

I turn around, mad as hell. "You should have kept Beverly by your side."

He's suddenly by me and grabs me by the arm. "You can't leave."

I can feel a power surge through me. "You can't make me. " The power becomes more and he suddenly lets go of me. Did the power make him let go?

His eyes changes into a darker color. "You're going to have to make me let you go, because I am not willing."

Neo walks in. "Lover's quarrel?"

I turn to face him. And give him a 'This isn't funny' look.

"Wow. Your eyes looks like two balls of fire."

I feel a sharp pain on the back of my neck, then fall to the floor. I barely hear Neo's concerned voice. "You shouldn't do that brother..." before I pass out.

Third Person POV
"So what am I supposed to do? You saw how out of control she was." Elijah defends himself.

"What are you going to do? You can't keep her asleep forever."

"I'll send her to the Lincoln's Academy."

"Lincoln's Academy will surely help her to control her magic. But it won't help her hate you less." He pauses and then speaks again. "Maybe she'll appreciate time away from you."

Elijah glares at his younger brother who has a grin on his face. "I'll be around."

"Of course you will be around."

Elijah speaks after a short pause. "Abe is a bit freaked out by her different appearance."

"I'm not. I knew who she was from the first moment I saw her."

"You never told me how you knew Charlotte."

Destiny has left its mark Book 1 (Vampire Romance) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora