21 ~ Against the current

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He wears a black hoodie, faded blue jeans and a blue-grey t-shirt with holes in them. The white and black sneakers on his feet are old. I can't help but feel that I should know him. Who is he? Why is he hiding under a hoodie?

"I'm Darryn Newton, your twin brother."

"You have the wrong person." Not believing him, I walk by him.


I pause, not because I want to hear him out but because there are students coming and I don't want a scene. Their eyes are on the mysteriously looking young man who looks cool. Yeah, cool.

"Do you also have this?"

I turn to see what he's talking about. It's a replica of the necklace Lisa gave me that my mother left me. "Where did you get that?" I eye him suspiciously.

"A nurse named Lisa gave it to me not long before she disappeared. I came here to look for her, but found you instead." He removes his hoodie, and what I see is the male version of me. Same colour hair, same colour eyes, my face but in a manly way. Have I entered the twilight zone? How is it possible that a guy can have so much resemblance to me? "She send me a photo of you." He shows his cell phone and I recognise where I was when it was taken. It was when I went out looking for a large enough trolley suitcase, the day before I came to Lincholn Academy.

"How do I know that you're not making this up?" I did look like someone else for most part of my life, and he has magic too so he could be trying to play me. "I have a class to get to." I walk away from the stranger that calls himself Darryn Newton, wondering if he is real. It's not long before I crash into someone, the scent of the person bring back memories of that early morning when I woke up in his arms in my bed.

"I wondered where you disappeared to." He pushes me back so that my back hits a wall.

"Let go of me." I say looking up at Elijah who is smiling.

"You are adorable when you wake up."

I feel shy. "I have to get to class." I don't look at him anymore but at his jacket.

Elijah leans in, his breath on my neck, giving me goosebumps.

I push him away and he lets me. "Stay away from me." I tell him before I leave.

I rush into the room, before sitting down next to Penelope.

It's then when Darryn walks in and finds a seat. Mr. Green speaks, "Everyone, we have a new student." Mr. Green also says, "Darryn Newton is also my stepson. And no, he didn't break any law."

I hear Penelope whisper, "I heard about him, I'm just surprised that he's Mr. Green's stepson. I wonder why they have different last names."

I see Darryn looking my way briefly before he finds a seat.

I am trying not to sound interested in gossip. "What do you know about him?"

"He's massively gifted. It is said he's part of a yinyang twin, and that he's been searching for his yin. Yinyang twins are two opposite but interconnected forces. "
"A yin is the dark force." I whisper to myself.

"Yeah, he is the light force. It's obvious, isn't it?" She stares at him, and it looks like she can see something so I also look. And then I see the light around him. Okay... that's seriously cool.

I finally turn my attention back to Mr. Green. Is he aware that Darryn thinks I'm his twin?

"... and that is why we should never practice dark magic." Mr. Green puts down a book he's probably been reading from while I wasn't paying attention. "Today we are going to try something. Everyone go to stand at the back of the room in a line."

He says to Darryn once we are standing in line, "Do your thing."

Elijah walks through the door of the room and goes to stand next to Mr. Green. Why is he here?

Everyone greets him, except for me. I can't help it, for most of my life I believed I was a reject so I never felt as if he was also my King. I still don't. And he murdered Charlotte...

"Continue." Says Elijah to Darryn who then goes to stand in front of the first student on the other side of the line.

What's he going to do?

Darryn places his palm in front of the immortal's head without touching it, before mumbling a few incoherent words. Then move on to the next. And then the next. He finally stands in front of me.
I feel some sort of magic trying to enter me, and before I even realize what is happening, my body begins to vibrate and I can feel magic go out of me and interconnected with his magic. Then the words that Penelope said ,"... yinyang... interconnected forces...' echoes in my mind. I suddenly say, "No." The sensation of magic stops immediately. Something doesn't feel right.

Elijah steps forward, "This will not go any further."


Elijah won't let Darryn say more. "Enough." Elijah grabs my hand and pulls me towards him. "You haven't been given permission to be here."

Mr. Green speaks, "King Elijah, am sure you understand the complexity and importance of this." Mr. Green gets a book from his desk, and opens it, "With a yinyang we can become strong again. You yourself know about the threat that's lingering out there. With Darryn and Daniella we can eliminate that threat." He briefly shows a picture from the book, before putting it down. Gargoyles? What's that got to do with whatever he wants to do? "The four-hundred year-old spell that is keeping the gargoyles asleep, is becoming weaker as we speak. Before we know it, we will face them again. Only a yinyang can restore the spell. The two gargoyle-images at the entrance is there to remind us of what a big threat they are. We must act now before it's too late."

The rest of the students speak to each other in murmurs, quietly that I can't make out what they're saying.

"As a guardian, I command you to find another yinyang." Elijah's words are laced with authority.

"King Elijah, I don't understand." Mr. Green sounds confused.

"Daniella is my reborn mate, and your Queen. Do you still dare to awake darkness through her?"

Now there's gasps.

To proof a point, Elijah removes the fake glasses from my face.

Mr. Green looses all colour from his face. I glare at Elijah, dissapointed that he made the announcement. Elijah moves towards the door, not letting go of my hand. Unwillingly I am forced to leave with him.
I see surprise in Penelope's face right before we're completely out the door.

Destiny has left its mark Book 1 (Vampire Romance) Where stories live. Discover now