6 ~ Hurricane

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Elijah gracefully descends the stairs in the Governor's home, full of confidence, Beverly's hand in his. I don't give her much attention because he has caught my attention. His hazel eyes are looking straight at me and it feels like he's walking towards me where I stand on the left of the stairs with Ellie. I feel drawn to him, so much that I forget to breath for a short moment.

I can't remember much of the past, but I remember the most important part and that is that he murdered me and hated me. I break the eye contact with him and then see a glimpse of Beverly glaring at me. "I shouldn't have come." I whisper at Ellie whose looking beautiful in a white and sea blue gown with silver sandals. The dress code for the evening is formal. Darres' rich and influential always required formal dress code for their parties and it's then when everyone dress up to display their wealth as much as they can in a very obvious way, especially in order to try to obtain other people's admiration. I myself am not easily influenced by how much and what possessions a person has, but if the person is a good person, or in this case a good or bad vampire because I only had vampire friends.

"The Governor invited us, how can we not come?" She is not looking at me but at Elijah who is smiling at Beverly. "I'd give anything to have him smile at me that way." She inspects Beverly's gown, "She's got such good taste."

"They look like they're made for each other." I remark just when the couple reaches the last step, "I need to get some fresh air." My eyes roam over the guests, some seated at their tables and some standing around like me and Ellie. Well, I guess the only reason Ellie still wants to stand around is to get a good glimpse of Elijah. All guests are dressed in beautiful gowns and precious jewels and the men are dressed in expensive suits with black ties, wearing black ties is the only requirement for this engagement party, some even wear long overcoats.

I start to walk away from Ellie whose eyes are still fixed on Elijah in envy. The Governor's mansion has a grand large entrance, beautiful enough for tonight's party, with a steeping staircase that Elijah and Beverly just descended. The mansion's high ceilings and details gives a sense of majesty and splendor that's fit for royalty. The McKinney's had always been the Governors of Darres. Some say it's because one of their ancestors saved their King's life and got the important position as a thank you. I've never learnt anything much of magic or vampirism as I am a reject so I wasn't allowed to learn about it in School or College.

I'm in the garden and I'm freaking out. The vampire in front of me is the same on that scratched and poisoned me the other night. He has a creepy smile on his face. I'm shaking, "Keep away from me." The words doesn't sound confident but fearful.

"Who healed you?" He asks with narrowed eyes.

"I don't know." I say honestly, hugging myself because I can't stop to shudder in fear.

He seems to believe me, "Don't you want to know who the vampire is that made a blood bond with you?"

Yes. No. "No. It doesn't matter." Well, it did actually. I have been wondering into places for days trying to find whoever it is because it sure isn't any of my male vampire friends.

He smiles, "See, it does matter. Because the one who send me wants her fiancé to know that you'll forever be connected to another vampire. Unless you die, of course. Then it won't matter."

I shrink back after he's come closer, he grabs me by my arm and before I can register what's happening I feel a sharp pain and hear bones crack. I let out a scream through gritted teeth, but we both know that any vampire will be able to hear it. And then the vampire is gone. Ellie appears, "Daniella, what just happened?"

"My arm, it's broken." Tears are rolling down my face. I feel pain in my elbow, even though it's my middle arm that got hurt.

We are not alone anymore, vampires and those with magic are gathering to see what's happened. I hear Beverly's voice, "No man came to help?"

Abraham came through the crowd, "I'll take you to the hospital."

*Third Person POV *

The vampire feels suffocated in his current relationship. Ever since he healed Daniella, he can't help but feel protective over her. But he had a duty, and that is to do what's the right thing to do because of the sin that he can't forgive himself for. Ignoring the strong bond is hard for him, but he manages not to rip her away from Abraham who is taking her away.

Beverly speaks to the crowd, "The show is over."

The vampire moves away from the crowd in vampire speed, not caring to where, just as long as he can be alone and try to calm himself.

Destiny has left its mark Book 1 (Vampire Romance) Where stories live. Discover now