2 ~ Ghost

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Vampires love to swim on a hot sunny day. Quite different from the novels and movies out there, isn't it? Do they glow in the sun? No. Does the sun turn them to ashes? No.

Abraham's parents had build a large olympic swimming pool a few years before their death and that is where Abraham, Ellie and me are at the moment.

"Sam fell in love." It's Ellie while she's rubbing my back with sunscreen, "I wish I could fall in love again."

Abraham, "I fell in love too." I can feel his eyes on me. Ellie clears her throat, and he changes the subject. "So what is the plan?"

"You should be getting us something to drink."

Are they hiding something from me? My eyes flicker between the two and they do look like they are hiding something.

"Will do." He got up and walked towards a table decorated with alcohol.

"I'm glad I came." I say, laying back. She's moved to her own swimming pool chair. The day before was stressful to me, because I had to face King Elijah a few times after our first encounter.

I hear Abraham say, "Elijah, you came."

Elijah? I turn my head, and there he is. And he isn't alone. Seeing the girl with him whose hand he's holding, shocks me to the core.

I hear Ellie, whom have stood up to greet , King Elijah." She makes a slight bow.

Abraham, "Elijah, meet two of my best friends. Ellie and Daniella. This is Beverly, my nephew's fiancée."

I don't make an effort to get up, greet or bow. My brain couldn't focus on protocol. Who would blame me? It's like seeing a ghost of myself.

Beverly smiles, "It's nice to be informal for a change."

I then look at her outfit that must have cost a lot, "Honey, please rub in some sunscreen for me, will you?" She chooses the swimming pool chair on my other side and sits down before removing her white and blue floral kimono by pulling it over her head, revealing a blue bikini that compliments her tanned skin and blonde hair. Even her brown orbs looks the same colour as I had in my previous life.

She's the modern version replica of the past me. I look away from her only to find Elijah's eyes on me, as if he's assessing me like I've been assessing Beverly. At that moment, Abraham hands me alcohol which I immediately start to drink. Seeing myself with with the man from my past is not something I am ready for. Will he murder her too? Or me? Why do I have to even see him outside of work? I feel a chill run up my spine at the thought of him looking at me with hatred before killing me again. Elijah settles himself next to Beverly then gets her sunscreen from her. I then shut my eyes and try not to focus on the couple next to me.

Abraham is next to me, "More?" He has a grin and is holding out another glass of alcohol. I smile back at him before taking it and emptying the glass. That's one thing of Abraham, he liked getting me drunk, once said it helps me to loosen up. He even made me dance on a table in a Bar once.

Ellie answers a phone call then rerurns, "I've got something that I need to take care of." She looks over at Abraham who was sitting by the Pool with Elijah, "Abraham, you'll have to take me." Someone is borrowing her car.

The two seem to be having a silent conversation, which I know is impoasible because Vampires can't do that.

Abraham says to Elijah, "Will you excuse me for a while?"

"Sure. Bev and I will be around for a little longer. We'll talk again if I don't see you again today."

Abraham says to me, "Will you be okay?"

I nod, "I'll arrange an uber if I need to. It's fine." I try to assure him.

Ellie waves briefly before following Abraham, and both disappear through the glass door that leads them back into the Castle.

Beverly, "So, what's a reject doing with Elija's nephew?"

What? "Excuse me?" I ask totally blinded by her rudeness all of a sudden.

Elijah, "Bev, you should go get ready to leave."

She smiles at him lovingly, "You're right. I still have a lot to do before the Ball tonight." She gets up and picks up her things, "I'll meet you at the car, honey." She kisses him on the cheek before going into the Castle.

Elijah follows her in, but then returns right after I threw a glass breaking it out of anger. Who dies she think she is anyway? She's not who I was and she'll never be! I rush to pick up the pieces of glass when I see him, and I accidentally cut myself. Elijah is by my side within seconds, and takes the hurt hand without even asking, "You should be more careful." He says in his stern voice.

I pull my hand free, "I'm fine. Bev is probably waiting for you." The words are laced with loathing.

He suddenly grabs my other hand, "You don't respect your future queen?"

"No, I don't. She looks down on me, so why should I?" His grip tightens on my hand, "You're hurting me."

He looks at me for a few seconds too long, then leans in so that I can feel his hot breath close to my ear, "I'll forgive you this time." His voice does something to me, wakes a desire that makes me long to be as close to him as humanly possible. Images of the past life with him floods through my mind making me feel too hot. His eyes moves to my mouth, and for a second I think that he's going to kiss me, but then he sped away from me and into the house using vampire speed.

I need another drink. And I'll not fall for anyone ever again! Definately not Elijah James! And I need a plaster...

Destiny has left its mark Book 1 (Vampire Romance) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum