7 ~ Monsters

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Neo is there when I wake up, "I had a feeling something bad happened to you." His face is the first I see because he's standing by the bed, his hand halfway in the air like he was about to touch my face. He lets his hand down.

"Where were you? I was looking for you, and your friends wouldn't tell me where you are. Neo had many friends, no one knew his real identity as the brother of their king.

"I was around." Is all he says before he touches the cast on my arm that needed realignment in the emergency room.

Abraham walks in, "My patient needs rest, so don't wore her out." He puts down my breakfast on the side table next to me,. Then asks me, "Are you comfortable?"

"I'm fine." I want to laugh because Neo is rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

I hear Neo mumble, "Comfortable isn't as important as safety."

Abraham ignores his nephew, "Just press that button when you need pain medication and the nurse will come." Abraham brought me to his Castle the moment he had made arrangements. I was still a little asleep when he brought me here, but I still noticed and I am grateful.

Neo looks from one to the other, "You could come to my place-"

Abraham and I say no and the same time, and it makes me burst out in laughter. "I mean I can't live wirh your other family members." Elijah and Beverly lives with Neo in the family Castle.

"We live very far apart. Even they live apart from each other, which is weird because they'll be getting married soon." He then continues, "The point is that there will be a slight chance that you'll ever see them."

I shake my head then eat my breakfast.

Neo asks Abraham, "Too jealous?"


Both Neo and I look at Abraham who could not hide his jealousy in his voice just now.

"You, eat. And you, come with me. I need to talk with you." Says Abraham before leaving the bedroom.

Neo kisses me on my forehead, "I'm glad you're still alive."

"You really felt that something was wrong?"

He nods, "I was too late though, by the time I got there you had already been taken to hospital."

Was it Neo that healed me?

"I have to go." He says suddenly.

Strange, I don't feel a connection with him, but listening to what he just said, Neo couldchave been the vampire that healed me. Having a blood bond isn't as intense then as some explained it to be. There was after all, no other vampire that I felt a conbection with. Except Elijah, but that's just stupidity.

I remember the vampire that broke my arm. Who's he working for? Who is he? Will he be the cause of my death in this life?


"Yeah?" I look up at him, putting up a brave face.

Neo looks worried, "Are you okay? Are you still in some kind of shock? Do you remember something about the vampire that broke your arm?"

"I don't know who he is, but I remember his face." I see my attacker's face clearly in my mind."He's got long black hair and he wears expensive clothes. Oh, and he has an accent, I think he might be French."

"I'd prefer you staying in the royal family castle as it'ss guarded all the time."

"I don't want to. Did you forget who murdered me in my past life?"

"How can I forget?" Neo frowned, "There are no one there with magic."

Abraham walks in, "I think Neo is right. The royal castle has guards which I don't have."

"I'd rather stay here."

Neo, "It's decided then." He removes the blanket from me before picking me up and walking with me.

"Wait. I don't want to leave. " I look for Abraham that I can't see anymore, "Abraham."

"Go with him, Daniella. I'll bring Ellie over with a few things you will need."

Neo smiles down at me, "Relax. You'll soon be as comfortable as you can get, and safe."

Elijah sees Neo carry me inside when we enter the royal castle, "What's she doing here?"

Neo doesn't stop, "That's my business, brother."

"This is my home, of course it's my business." Elijah is following us.

"Don't worry, this place is big enough for the four of us. And this is my home too."

One of the guards rushes towards is, "King Elijah, madam Beverly was attacked and wounded."

"Where is she now?"

Neo pauses and turns ao that both of us can see them.

"In her bedroom, the royal doctor is having a look at her. He says she was attacked with weapons that only vampire hunters use."

"Vampire hunters? I thought they were extinct after my father made sure none of their bloodline survived."

In my mind I see a flash of vampires running into Charlotte's home, even killing both her parents. "Was that why Charlotte's parents were killed?" The words were out even before I could think it over, "That's why the king didn't like her, because she came from a bloodline of vampire hunters." Elijah is looking right at me with surprise, "That's why the king went to such extreme to kill her."

"Who are you? How do you know all this?" Beverly's agonising scream echoes through the place. Elijah rushes off in vampire speed to be with her.

I ask Neo, "Did you know about Charlotte's bloodline?"

"I did. I never told anyone. Father had witches track all of them. Elijah found out and took Charlotte out that night on a secret date."

Elijah saved Charlotte... me.

Neo continues, "Father found out and had a powerful witch work on brother to kill you." This I didn't know that time. Father made sure I was occupied. "

I remember Charlotte running towards her home, then held back by Elijah, seeing the soldiers knock on the front door holding swords in hand ready to kill."It doesn't matter. I am not Charlotte and I won't give him the chance to kill me again." I am sure I am not of a vampire hunter bloodline again.

"I'll protect you." Neo promises.

I smile at him. "I know you will."

He continues to walk, "And I know Abe and Ellie will too."

"You're right. Unlike Charlotte, I have vampire friends that care about me."

Destiny has left its mark Book 1 (Vampire Romance) Where stories live. Discover now