13 ~ Love me like you do

13 1 0

Ellie and I arrived at work together, because I ended up having to share her bed with her. After Elijah had to leave, I joined Ellie who had just greeted her date, and told her about Neo and Elijah's fight inside my home. We then left after she said I could sleep over. That night I dreamt that I was Charlotte Grave again.
I couldn't look away from the man that had just entered the room. He was by far the most handsome man I had ever seen. And it felt like I was supposed to be with him. Neo was with him and it looked like they were heading towards me and my friend Ellison, who, surprisingly, looked a lot like Ellie, thinking about it. "Prince Elijah is here." Said Ellison next to me.
A Prince... why does that name sound so familiar? I caught Neo's gaze on me, so I turned around and put down my empty glass.
Ellie's alarm woke me up. Unfortunately.

Abraham is inside by reception, and sees us so he walks towards us holding a cup of takeaway coffee that he offers to me.

"Why are you here this early, Abe?" Asks Ellie, unlocking the double door of the library.

"I had a meeting to attend to. Guess who's the newest member of the mission." He asks her, a glint in his eyes.

"Are you even allowed to say?" She pushed open both doors and Abraham and I follow her in.

"Lincoln Flint."

"The Lincoln Flint?"

Abraham nods, looking as if he's waiting to see her reaction.

"Why would he be joining?" She sounded a little worried, which was unlike her.

"Because Beverly uses magic." He answers her.

"Who's Lincoln Flint?" I ask interested.

"A very poweful witch." Says Abraham, patting me on the back, "Someone all vampires and witches knows very well not to cross paths with if they've done something wrong."

"I have something I have to do." Says Ellie before she heads out of the library.

I don't miss Abraham's frown, while he's looking at Ellie's retreating back.

"Something wrong?" I ask him.

He looks around the library, using his vampire hearing to check if we're alone then leans in to whisper. "Ellie is not who we thought she is."

I smile, "This is a joke right? "

He shakes his head.

Not who we think she is? "I dreamt I was Charlotte Grave last night. And Charlotte's best friend was Ellison. She looked a lot like Ellie."

"Interesting." He says also, "Keep wearing that necklace. It's a necklace personally given to Neo by Lincoln who's been secretly helping us for a few weeks already."

"This?" I show him. "Okay."

"Be careful around Ellie."

"You talk like you don't know Ellie."

"Don't tell her about the necklace." It's clear he is suspicious of her and to me it just doesn't make sense. Ellie is walking into the library. He hugs me then whispers, "Keep wearing the necklace. And don't tell."

Abraham walks pass Ellie, "There's someone waiting for you outside." Is all she says before walking to her laptop and checking if there are any book orders.

It's not nice keeping things from Ellie, because she is after all my best friend just like Abraham is. He's known Ellie for much longer than I do, what's wrong with him? The takeaway cup falls to the floor, spilling the hot coffee because I didn't check when I put it down.

"Are you okay?" Ellie asks concerned looking up from the laptop.

"Yeah." I grab a few tissues from the counter before bending down and cleaning up. She brings the bin and I throw away the cup, lid and used tissues.

After I'm standing. she tries to compell me, which shocks me to the core. " You will tell me if you know that anyone is suspecting me of anything. "
I know what she's trying to do because my mind feels a little weird. But then it abruptly stops and she smiles, before continuing her compulsion, "You will never remember our past."

The desk phone rings, so she turns her back on me before picking up the receiver. I don't even hear what she's saying to the person because she actually tried to compell me! I thought I could trust her. "I'm going to get breakfast." Is all I say before I pick up my purse and head out of the library.

Elijah sees me walking out of the building when he parks in front of it like he does when he visits the Governor or just come for meetings or books. He gets out and walks to me. "Leaving the job already?"

I pause and look at him, "I haven't had breakfast yet." After a short pause, "Did you know Ellie was Charlotte's best friend?"

"Yes, she was Charlotte's best friend."

"What happened between the two of them?"

"Charlotte became suspicious of her best friend."

"You know why?"

"No I don't." He continues, "You remember Charlotte's life?"

Flashes of Elijah killing her comes to mind, "I remember how she died."

He looks full of regret, "And I've suffered for it for over a hundred years."

I want to leave, but he grabs me by the arm, "I'm sorry." He apologizes, "It won't happen again."

"How can you say that?" My voice laced with disappointment. "Vampires do as they please anyway, not caring how they hurt others."

"You'll never forgive me?"

"You're not the only vampire, Elijah. I've realized today that a reject will always be vulnerable against your kind." I try to free myself, but he won't let me. "Let go of me."

He lets go of me. "I'll never give up."

I walk away.

Destiny has left its mark Book 1 (Vampire Romance) Where stories live. Discover now