5 ~ In the end

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Posters of Elijah and Beverly appeared all over, like they were planned and pictures taken overnight. Fans of Elijah grew and there are always someone that takes a picture for the newspapwrs, writing about their romance and Beverly planning a spectacular wedding.

"Why are you here?" It's Ellie standing with a large group of fans, waiting for the arrival of Elijah and Beverly at the Theatre.

"I'm definately not here for them." I take out my phone, "Did you manage to get that contractor?" I need someone to fix one of the windows in my place that are broken.

She sends me a contact from her phone, "He's someone you can trust. But, you have to wait for a day or two."

How can I sleep with a broken window?

The crowd goes wild when Elijah gets out of a car and walks around to open the door for Beverly who wore a long red sparkling gown.

"Thanks." I leave, ignoring my friend calling me back.

Down the street I look back over my shoulder. There are papparazzi taking pictures, and one speaking with Elijah. The quick interview will probably on the news tonight. I haven't seen Neo again, and am wondering what he is busy with. Abraham visited me at work briefly, and looked relieved when I told him that the Governor is back, which means Elijah didn't come. I had a strange feeling he had something to do with the Governor returning sooner. Ellie's obsession with Elijah gave me more free time to search and see where I'd like to go should I survive.

I have to survive. And I have to go and see if something good can happen that can make my next life more bareable. I shouldn't have had that dream about my past life. I don't know why, but I end up walking into a nightclub and order a beer. Why I ordered beer, I don't know. I drink as if there is a drought and it's the last there is to drink. One bottle becomes two, and before I know it, I have drank six bottles and am dancing on the dancefloor. Someone takes me by my arm and sways me around, "I knew I should watch you."

"Abe?" I only call him that when I'm drunk.

He suddenly picks me up and walks out with me.

"Wait. I don't want to go home now." I say.

"You've had enough to drink."

"What about dancing?"

He puts me down on my feet to open the passenger side door. I turn away from him and vomit right there on the pavement.

"You shouldn't be going out by yourself." He offers me water that I take. "Get in." I climb in and he shuts the door before getting in himself. "I'll take you home."

I let my head rest on the glass window next to me with my eyes shut. "You don't have your regular parties anymore, why is that?"

He gets a phone call, so he answers through the bluetooth, "Elijah, what's up?"

"I've found a lead. Meet me outside in a few minutes."

"I'll come on foot."

"I was thinking the same."

Abe ends the call, "I'll leave my car in your driveway. You take it to work in the morning."

The house feels strange when I enter. I rush to switch on a light, only to see a vampire man I have never met, sitting at the kitchen table when I walked in. I immediately sense danger.

"Don't even try to run." He warns me getting up from the seat.

"What do you want?" I ask very much afraid.

He uses vampire speed, scratches me on the arm, then leaves through the broken window in the kitchen. I look down and realize the wound is going to hurt as soon as the last alcohol has gone out of my system so I rush to a cabinet and finds a bottle of liquor that I open before throwing it over the wound in the kitchen sink. It's going to leave a mark, unless a vampire heals me with their blood. I call Abe's number but there is no answer. Next I try Neo, three rings then someone answers. "He's busy at the moment." I hear loud music in the background.

"I have to talk with him."

"Neo's busy." It's Elijah sounding irritated, "I'll tell him when he's done."

I feel dizzy and know it's not the alcohol, "I've been scratched by a vampire... I think I was poisoned..." Everything becomes black then. The last thing I hear is my cell phone fall before I fall as well.

I wake up in my bedroom, my wound is healed when I check, I have to thank Abraham when I see him again.

I jump into the shower and dress into a dark green t-shirt, navy denim and red sneakers that I only wore once before. I leave my long straight brown hair down and then smile when I take Abraham's Jeep's keys and my backpack before I stroll out.

It's true what they say, vampire blood energizes a person.

City Hall is swarming with vampires, those with magic and rejects like me who are running around to get everything ready for a very important meeting. Abraham comes to pick up his Jeep, "I saw you called."

"Thank you." I tell him.

"It's nothing. You promise me you won't go out by yourself again."

"I can't even remember everything."

"You were wide awake when I left you."

Wide awake? I don't remember how I was helped or how I got into bed.

"Why were you looking for me again?"

"You didn't come to my place when you were done?"

"No, I didn't. Did something happen?"

Ellie gives someone a file, "This has to go to the boardroom A.S.A.P."

I say to Abraham, "I'm fine."

"Okay. I have to go." He leaves.

"Ellie, where were you last night?" I ask her.

"I was with Abe and them, helping them with a case."

I briefly tell her about the attack. She gasps, "You had a vampire heal you? And you don't know who it was?"

I nod, "You told me once that a vampire's blood can prevent infections and scars "

"Did you feel some connection with Abe just now?"


"Sharing blood creates a blood bond. If a vampire-"

"... if a vampire shares blood with anyone, then they will have a blood bond." I am worried, "Does it mean?"

"Blood bonds are sacred, and are part of the marraige ritual."

"Does it mean?"

"You've actually bonded yourself with a vampire. You are actually married to whoever helped you."

"What can break it?"

"It won't break unless one of you dies." I feel like I'm emotionally falling into a deep dark pit. "The vampire will be able to detect your emotions and will know when you're in trouble. Vampire couples usually break the blood bond when they drink another vampire's blood. But when a reject or human is involved it's not broken that easily. "

I have to find out who used their vampire blood to heal me.

Destiny has left its mark Book 1 (Vampire Romance) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat