19 ~ Dream it

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I would have loved to go, but someone decided I can't, so I am in my room staring out of the window feeling homesick. I miss the life I had. Even if I didn't particularly like to work in the Library, Ellie was there. Ellie. I feel like crying again. Ellie was a lie. And Abraham? Is it wrong to hate that I don't look like his friend anymore?
My new face has made life more difficult.
There are students outside in the inner court laughing and playing, students not in my class. The lights makes it possible to see their faces. They look so carefree and happy. I sigh. I can pretend to be okay, but that's not the right way to go about my life. But how can I vent out my unhappiness if Ellie and Abraham isn't there to talk to?
It is then that I see Elijah walking, one hand holding a cell phone and the other in his denim pocket. I draw the curtains close and then go to sit on the couch. Is this how my life is going to be like here?

There is a knock on the bedroom door. Neo is on the other side. "Can I come in?" I step aside so he walks in. "You like?"

"No, I don't like being here." I say knowing he meant the things that he bought.

"What's wrong?"

I fold my arms, annoyed that I even have to explain myself. "I've got no friends. Basically my life is ruined. And it feels like I'm in jail."

"Calm down."

"Calm down? Easy for you to say. You can come and go, and you don't suddenly have someone else's face."

"I see."

I laugh. "Of course you do. Do you know that they put people on a machine that sends electricity through their brain and body to test their powers?"

He has a surprised look on his face. "Where did you hear that?"


"Oh, the mermaid."

"That's what they're going to do to me."

"It's the first time that I've heard about that. I'm sure Elijah won't let them do something like that to you."

"Please just leave."

"Why are you angry at me?"

"Why? Let's see. You've given Charlotte to Elijah. You never fought for her once."

"She fell in love with him."

"Just because she did, didn't mean he was the best for her. He killed her. And now you are helping and agreeing that I come here. And you want me to be with Elijah."

"You're wrong."

"Am I?"

"I loved Charlotte first. It was hard trying to keep her and Elijah away from each other. Don't you remember how I tried to keep her with me?"
Images of Charlotte's life flashed through my mind, and surely I see him talking to me like I was Charlotte. He did try to keep her, even suggested they move away to a far place. "I kept on telling myself that she's my mate. I loved her. I even wanted to take her away, but she refused because she wanted Elijah. Then one day not long after I let her go, I heard she was dead. I hated myself for letting her go. I hated myself for letting her meet Elijah. But they were mates, there's nothing stronger than that. So I left. Travelled. I did all I could to numb the pain. Then one day a witch told me that she's going to be reborn. It gave me hope."

"You still love Charlotte." I say.

"I have been over Charlotte since the first time I saw you, even if you are not the same person I have felt a connection with you."

Finally someone saying something that makes sense. I am not Charlotte. Yes, that's the truth. "Thanks." I say feeling a sense of relief.

"For what?"

"For knowing that I am not Charlotte Grave. And for telling me what I know." I wish Elijah would also see me as my own person and not Charlotte Grave. "You have no idea how having this face confuses me."

"Everything will be okay." He assures me, his hand on my shoulder.

"How can you be so sure?" A tear roll down my cheek.

"Because Daniella Ellis is not as weak as Charlotte Grave was."

I wipe the tears from my eyes, the fake glasses still on my face. Then I smile when what he said starts to make sense.

"I give you permission to kick my brother's ass if you have to." He grins with a glint in his eyes. "Just don't kill him."

My smile grows wider. I wish I knew how I looked when my power surfaced.

He smiles too.

"Don't you have something to do?" I ask him, trying to get him to leave because it's weird that we can talk to openly since my appearance is so much different now. I can feel the connection too, for the very first time after meeting him.

There is a knock on the bedroom door. Neo opens the door to check. "Brother. What brings you here?"

"I could ask the same from you." Elijah walks in and my heartbeat starts to race at the sight of him. Must be the newly sensed feelings when I meet people since Lincoln Flint broke the spell that was over me. I feel my cheeks heat up.

Neo looks at me and then back at Elijah, "You must not make her angry."

Elijah nods at him, then Neo smiles at me briefly before leaving and closing the bedroom door behind him.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm okay."

"No, you're not. I can feel through the mate bond that you are not. Is it because you couldn't go with Penelope?"

Then it dawns on me. "So it was you who said I couldn't."

"You're my mate, so I make the decisions concerning you."

I can feel the anger inside of me beginning to vibrate as if the emotion itself carried power. How can I love and hate someone at the same time?

The bedroom door opens suddenly and then Neo is standing between the two of us, his bsck towards me, "You're triggering her magic, brother. I think you should go."

Elijah looks sad when he looks at me. Someting tels me that my eyes have become red again, proving that fire could explode through me at any time. "Okay. I'll go." He leaves, and some part of me feels sad that he left and that I made him leave.

To Neo I ask, "What's wrong with me?"

Destiny has left its mark Book 1 (Vampire Romance) Where stories live. Discover now