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Kota glares at Luna and ace. "What the fuck?! Eri told you countless times she didn't wanna do drugs and you all resort to fucking pressuring her?!" Kota growls. "So what if we di-" Luna starts and ace covers her mouth. His face was still fucked up from the last time he pissed off Kota. "Why are you so fucking controlling of what she does?" Ace shot back, "controlling? No. Originally if she had wanted to do drugs sure whatever hell she's even allowed to drink here and there. But I'm sorry for not wanting her to basically fucking kill herself again."

"Again? Nah she needed an-" Ace starts but shuts up instantly when Kota gave him the same creepy smile he gave ace before beating the shit outta him. "She needed a what?." Kota says an eerily calm tone. "Nothing..." Ace says looking away, he was genuinely scared of Kota just like most people were. "Aw come on, clearly there's something I'm not seeing. What is it?" Kota asks stepping closer to ace. "N-nothing" Ace says, Luna rolls her eyes. "Look, just because you weren't there for eri when she lost the closest person she had to an actual friend since you left her for Lauren doesn't mean we did the same. We gave her an out, it's not our-" "an out? No no no you fucked up her life. I might've neglected her for awhile but at no fucking point did I fuck up her life to the degree you guys did."

"Fuck up her life?" "yes dumbass. Because of your way out for her, she actually overdosed once. Luckily, that was one of the few times she was at my house. That's why I took her to fucking rehab. Now either you respect her boundaries from now on or I won't let you guys stay friends with her." Kota growls, Ace and Luna look at each other and burst out laughing. "Not be friends? That's fucking priceless!" Luna laughs, "I fucking mean it." Kota growls, "Kota, you really think we became friends by choice? Nah....the commission introduced us all to each other almost three years ago now...none of us had a say in the matter and we aren't allowed to unfriend each other." Luna says, "the commission fucking-" Kota growls and takes a deep breath. "I'll deal with that bullshit later. But for right now neither of you are allowed near Eri or our son until you learn to respect eri."

Kota then goes back to eri, she was just playing peekaboo with kataru. "Heh heya princess" Kota says kissing eri, he then kisses kataru on the cheek. "God you're both just so perfect" he says smiling. He sits next to eri pulling her into his lap. Eri smiles and kisses Kota on the cheek before turning back to their son. She picks kataru up and holds him close to her chest, eri then rests her head on Kota's shoulder. Kota just smiles, he enjoys family cuddles like this. He wraps his arms around eri and kataru, he then closes his eyes beyond content. He thought for a moment and smiled, "hey princess, will you marry me?" Kota asks finally proposing to eri in this peaceful Happy moment.

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