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Luna and Kota were just trying to get free. Both were so dirty and beaten. After all, the villains always took their anger out on the two. Dabi was getting ready to beat the shit out of Kota when twice comes in. "What?." Dabi growls looking at twice, "the hassaikai girl...toga caught her" twice says. "What?! I thought the plan was-" Dabi says, it was clear that this was an unexpected change of events that scared the villains.

Kota's glare Went to pure fear. Luna also tensed up, just like that escape became even more vital. After all, eri was here now and just like eri said before...Luna and Kota were extremely protective of her. Dabi and twice quickly rush to eri. After all, she required all hands on deck from how dangerous and strong she was.

Kota tries to yell at the top of his lungs, yet he was muffled from the tape. He starts shaking and soon enough he just breaks down sobbing. He couldn't stand the thought of losing eri. Soon enough Kota starts to have a full blown anxiety attack.

Eri groans waking up, her head was pounding. She holds her head, "fucking hell...." she says, this was the third concussion she got in the span of a year. Eri lay there for a while, this was her worst concussion by far. "Mmm..." eri looks at her hand and sees blood. "The fuck did that fucker hit me with..." eri whisper, she was extremely sensitive to sounds and lights right now. Her vision was all wonky and she just felt so nauseous.

Eri took a moment to somewhat recover, she also puked a few times. "Ugh...okay...let's get the hell outta here..." eri growls she then looks around. She sees an air vent and decided to just use that as an escape route. Eri climbs into the vents and slowly starts to roam. She explored for awhile when she saw Luna and Kota. Both were clearly so distraught. Eri just wanted to jump down and free them, and that was the plan but she knew she had to think. After all, she had a concussion not to mention, Luna and Kota both weren't in any contact to fight. Then again... neither was she. *Just heal them as much as you won't be much but I can play medic* eri thinks. She then hears a crack.

"... fuck..." eri whispered as she ducks down shielding her head. Luna and Kota both fall silent as they heard the crack in the air vent. Both got scared, they thought it was another villain who was gonna beat them. While the two were scared they didn't show it. The only give away was their breathing...even then it was very well hidden.

Just like eri suspected the vent broke and she fell through the roof. Eri was covered in slight debris. Luna and Kota saw her and both seemed so relieved to see the girl. Eri groans as that fall made her headache so much worse. "...ugh...." eri sits up holding her head, she then hunched over and pukes her guts out. The two were extremely worried as they knew something wasn't right. Eri eventually recovered enough to stand up, she looks at the two and smiles. "I'm so glad you two are safe" eri says, Kota and Luna were looking behind eri in fear. "Guys calm down it's just me..." eri says confused, both Luna and Kota start to try and warn eri to look out.

"What are you guys-" eri starts when she was suddenly stabbed right in the stomach. Eri froze as she was in shock. Kota lets out a loud muffled scream as tears roll down his face as she thrashes around trying to hard to get free. Luna just stares in disbelief as tears start to form. "You know you are adorable... especially when you bleed~" toga smirks removing the knife causing eri to start bleeding out.

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