past addictions

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After a few hours eri did eventually take a test. "Mmm..." Eri sighs, all five tests she took were negative. "It's okay princess we'll keep trying okay?" He smiles kissing eri on the cheek. "Okay" she says a little disappointed but she knew that sooner or later she was gonna fall pregnant again. "Princess you okay if I go and hang out with some of my friends tonight?" Kota asks playing with eri's hair, "of course" eri smiles hugging Kota.

Once Kota left eri went downstairs to hang out with her classmates. "Yo! Eri so we heard that you used to be quiet the drug addict!" Ace chuckled, "um...yeah once upon a time. I was 13 and forced to watch people die on my first few missions what did you expect?" Eri says wondering where this conversation was going. "Well, we're gonna throw a party tonight and if ya wanna come we'll have plenty of drugs, you know alcohol, weed, crack, you name it we'll bring it" eri blinks and shivers. "Yea no, I've been to rehab I'm not going back" she says, "come on wifey! A few shots won't kill you" Luna giggles.

Eri was uncomfortable and honestly pressured into it. "I said no...." Eri says trying to stand firm. Honestly, she would missed the taste of liquor on her tongue, and the high cocaine gave her was amazing. She knew that she shouldn't fall back into those habits. After all, Kota sent her to rehab because he wanted her to stop fucking up her life. "Come onnnnn" ace says offering eri a cigarette. Eri took a moment before she runs out of the dorm. She went into town by herself, luckily Kota managed to find her. "Yo hold up man" Kota says walking over to eri, "princess why are you in town all alone?" He asks worried. "Erm, well..." Eri looks down. "Ace and Luna are throwing a party and they asked if I wanted to go-" "princess....I thought we got past this..." Kota says so scared eri fell back into her addiction. "We did, and I kept saying no...but they kept pressuring me and then tried getting me to smoke...and I panicked and came here..." Eri admitted, Kota stares at her in shock. "Come on, let's go hangout with my friends can get to know them better" Kota says. He was honestly beyond pissed, but he wanted eri to have fun and take her mind off everything before he beat some sense into ace and possibly Luna. Depends on if he could get a female to fight Luna for him.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to-" eri starts and Kota picks eri up. "Of course princess, you're my girlfriend after all so my friends are your friends too... plus you know I love showing off the mother of my children~" he says kissing eri's neck. Eri blushes and holds onto Kota. "Mhm" she says, nervous and unsure. Kota looks away, eri was always so shy even when they were kids...yet she was so excited to meet and get to know new people. She never was this apprehensive until something happened in middle school. Kota did try and get eri to talk about it here and there but whatever it was seemed too traumatic for her to remember.

"It's okay princess, you'll get to make new friends aren't you excited?" Kota asks walking back over to his friends. "Um...yeah of course I am" eri says smiling, once she saw Kota's friends her expression instantly turned cold. Of course she quickly put on her usual adorable innocent act. "Hello!" Eri beams happily, Kota looks away setting eri down. He hated when she forced herself to act like that...sure he missed when she used to act this way, but now it's just so forced and he hated it. "Oh you're the chick from middle school who would constantly act like a toddler right?" One of the pointed out, "heh, yeah guess I was really childish back then huh?" Eri giggles, "no you were perfect and adorable and I wish you never lost that part of you" Kota mumbles, "what was that?" Eri asks confused. "Nothing just thinking out loud" Kota says rubbing eri's head. "Anyways meet my girlfriend" Kota says hugging eri from behind proudly showing her off. "Oh thank God for a moment we thought you were still with that lau-" they start and eri growls her horn sparking as she got pissed just hearing her name.

"Lauuuuuu- lawrd and savior bingus Christ" they say laughing awkwardly, "yea let's not talk about her" Kota says letting eri play with his hands. "You two make a great couple" one of them says smiling, "yo didn't y'all have a kid?" One of them asks and eri perks up. "Mhm! His name is kataru Izumi! He's absolutely adorable, through he looks more like his father which is RUDE cuz I carried him for....nine... months" eri starts, for a moment there she was acting all energetic and childish just like she used to before Kota dated Lauren. Kota smiles and kisses eri's cheek, he was so happy to see her act that way again. Even if it was a little slip up on her part which is why her voice changed at the end. "Princess it's okay, no one's gonna hurt ya.... you're allowed to get excited and let your guard down" Kota reassures eri.

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