Family issues

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"PICK UP THE PACE ERI!" Aizawa calls out, Ever since Kota and Eri grew apart when they were 14-15 The whole hero society was worried about her. So they forced her to train day and night to be a perfect hero. Eri was now seen as the 'golden child' she was forced to live a life she never really wanted.

They weren't really abusive, but eri was always seeking validation from the commission and her family. Of course no matter what she did it was never good enough, she was always told how to dress, act, who she could be friends with, what she could eat, and of course they controlled every last part of her life. Usually Kota kept everyone in check and made sure eri didn't deal with any of that....but Kota wasn't here anymore, so unfortunately the very thing Kota protected her from for years happened.

Eri was out of breath but ran as fast as she could, she pushed herself way past her limits and could feel herself on the brink of fainting. "Is that really all you got?! What about the people? Come now mustn't be selfish..." The commission leader says, "think about the people...think about your family..." the commission leader says and eri looks down near tears, she was so sore and tired.... she's barely gotten any sleep and was starving.

"I-i know...I'm sorry... I'll work harder" eri says struggling to breathe. "You're lucky we take time to train you. Not many-" aizawa starts, "I know...I'm sorry for being selfish....I can keep going." Eri says, she was basically gasping for air and could barely see straight. It went on like this until 7 am. Finally eri got a break from the hell of training for a few hours.

"Yo! Eri come on!" One of eri's friends, katsuma, calls out. "Hehe coming!" She smiles, she made sure to take a really quick shower before going to school. She always did, however that came at the cost of even less rest. She's been up since 4:30 am, and normally trains until 12:45 am. Everyday, needless to say she was beyond exhausted...but she didn't want to be selfish so she delt with it.

"..." eri went straight to her locker, she ran into Kota "sup dork" the male says, "hm? Oh hey kot-" eri starts before Lauren calls Kota over "booboo bear!~" she calls and Kota smiles, "coming beautiful!" Kota smiles, he then leaves without even saying anything else to eri. "Um okay catch up later!" Eri says looking down feeling defeated. Lauren and her friends all laugh at eri, and Kota just let them. Lately, not only has the male been completely distant, but he also completely stopped defending eri.

Lauren completely hated eri, she was also extremely jealous of eri. After all, the whole school knew that the commission themselves took an interest in her and she more than guaranteed a spot in UA's hero course. While she got rejected, that's why she forced Kota to turn down his acceptance letter. Of course, Kota had no issues doing so as he wanted to stay close to her to keep her safe.

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