more than enough

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Eri was in shock for a few but she didn't have a lot of time. She quickly grabs toga twisting the knife from her hand. Eri then starts coughing up blood. "Eee! You're so adorable! You remind me a lot of Izuku!" Toga smiles and pulls out more knives. "Do me a favor cutie please bleed more for me~" she smiles. Eri glares, she holds her stomach. She was trying to heal herself but she couldn't focus.

Eri takes a Shakey breath, "fuck. You." Eri growls, eri and toga continue to fight. At one point she was thrown straight into Kota, while it hurt like hell for both of them. Kota desperately tried to keep her close. Eri was so weak, and losing blood fast...she uses what little strength she had left to untie one of Kota's hands. The moment he could he quickly uses his quirk to knock toga out, he then rips the tape off his mouth. "Lean against me" Kota says, eri leans against Kota, she finally let her body relax. Kota then quickly unties is other hand and then unties Luna. "Look for something to stop the bleeding..." Kota says, he rips off part of his shirt and ties it around eri's stomach. He made it as tight as he could so it would slow the bleeding.

Eri let's out a whimper of pain, "shh shh...I know..." Kota holds eri close to his chest, he checks eri for other wounds. "Holy...." Kota says seeing the huge gash on eri's head from the bat. "I found this..." Luna says holding the knife that stabbed eri. Kota thinks and sees a flame, "heat it up..." he says Luna realizes what he was planning. "! That's gonna hurt her!" Luna protests, "I'd rather her face a few seconds of pain then fucking watch her die!" Kota yells getting eri to flinch. "....okay...." Luna sighs and starts heating the knife.

Kota just comforts eri, making sure she stays awake. "You're doing amazing babygirl..." Kota says rubbing eri's head. "I know it hurts...just bare with it for now okay? I promise everything will be just fine... you're gonna be just fine babygirl..." Kota says. He looks up to see Luna trembling as she held the red hot knife. "Princess this is gonna hurt okay?..." Kota warns.

Luna then holds the knife close to eri's wound and looks at Kota. The male nods and starts to French kiss eri, it wasn't much but he wanted her to have something she normally loved. Luna takes a deep breath and stabs the knife back into eri's wound. Eri tries to scream out in agony, but Kota kissing her muffled her. Eri holds onto Kota tightly, slowly Luna removed the knife. Eri's wound was not burnt closed which stopped the bleeding....but it put her through an investigation amount of pain.

Eri felt so weak, Kota picked up on that and so he uses his quirk to give her some water. "You did amazing beautiful...just relax now okay?" Kota says, he picks eri up and held her close. Eri was on the brink of fainting from blood loss and pain. Eri just rests her head on Kota's shoulder. It wasn't much but letting her body recover was helping. Luna and Kota both worked together to try and find a way out. Luna managed to find something for eri to eat. They were doing their best to help eri recover from her loss of blood.

Eventually eri passed out, Kota and Luna agreed to let her rest. They made sure that she was still breathing, and since she had a concussion they woke her up here and there. Yet for the most part eri was sound asleep. They eventually got out after a lot of screaming and crying from both of them. They finally got out. Right now eri was their priority, they both rushed her to the closet hospital.

Eri was taken back almost immediately, she was placed on IV which gave her blood. They also made sure her room was dark that way she could rest and recover from her concussion. Of course they gave her a lot of pain killers and nausea meds. That way the concussion would be a little more barrable.

Kota and Luna took turns staying with eri, this way the other could eat and grab their work from UA while one stayed by eri's side. Of course they mostly stayed there together, both too worried about eri to really go too far from her side. "Wow didn't know you had it in you to actually visit her in the hospital" Luna says annoyed. "Shut it. I don't care what you say or think, eri's sensitive to sounds right now. So cut the shit." Kota whisper yells at Luna annoyed, he didn't like that she was trying to start shit while eri desperately needed quiet. So he made sure Luna didn't cause any fights with him. They may not like each other but that didn't matter.

"If you wanna fight fine. But we will keep that far away from eri. Got it?" Kota hisses. Luna rolls her eyes and nods, she knew he was right...and it took a lot outta her to swallow her pride and admit it, but for eri she was willing to do just that.

I need you (eri x kota)Where stories live. Discover now