Final Battle

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Eri cried her heart out for awhile, eventually she stood up and wiped away her tears. "I wanna go make it up to midnight...I want to prove myself" eri says, "sweetheart, you have nothing to prove...and you have nothing to make up for" Luna says holding eri's hands. "But if you're sure you want to do this then we'll do it together" Luna smiles.

Eri blushes a little and nods, "let's go take down the damn villain" eri smiles for the first time in awhile. "Damn right!" Luna says giving eri a fist bump, they were then on their way to go fight all for one.

The moment they got there things quickly got out of hand. Luna had to leave to help get by standards away. Eri had to fight alone. All for one just looks over at eri, "ah, have you decided rather you'll be joining us dead or alive?" All for one asks, "I'm not fucking joining you. And I sure as hell refuse to die here." Eri says, she just hoped that he could back up that last statement and make it true.

"Heh, fighting spirit...such a would've been an excellent addition to our ranks" all of one sighs getting ready to attack. *Okay, okay remember what you learned just stay calm you got this* eri thinks. Just like that the final battle started.

For awhile all for one had the upper hand but eventually, eri finally built up enough energy. She then uses her strongest attack. The same attack she used when she defeated overhaul. Her rewind completely surrounded her, large amounts of it fired at all for one. Eri felt like she was getting ripped apart and it hurt, sure...but she could bear it.

Eri soon when completely blind as her eyes go completely white, her hair waving from the amount of energy she was using. All for one panicked, for the first time he couldn't counter an attack. Eri's quirk was weak but still strong enough that all for one felt himself weakening the longer eri attacked.

" she's too dangerous to be kept alive" all for one panicked, he then starts to try and think. Soon he used one of his quirks to attack a building in hopes to get it to fall on eri. "Just a little longer." Eri tells herself, she could feel her body grow cold, she was exhausted, dizzy, dehydrated, and felt nauseous. She was over using her quirk majorly. Yet, still refused to give up.

She didn't notice the building crumbling behind her. "SWEETHEART WATCH OUT!" Luna calls running to help eri, this broke eri's focus and her quirk cut out. She instantly fell to the ground. She went so far past her limit that she didn't even have the strength to stand up. "ERI!" Luna calls, the last thing eri sees was when she looked back to see the remains of a falling building hurling at her.

Luna freezes, she then let's out a loud scream of agony, not only did all for one and the villains retreat. That wasn't her main concern. Her main concern was that eri just had a whole building fall on her, eri was just covered by the wreckage. And more than likely crushed and killed by the amount of debris that fell on her. And all Luna could do was desperately dig through the rubble in hopes to find eri and get her to a near by hospital. "Please...please"

Luna mumbles, eventually she found eri's body, she was crushed under the rubble and severally injured. Luna checks eri for a pulse, she luckily still had one but it was quickly fading. "Hold on...please....just a little bit longer" Luna says as she picks eri up and starts running as fast as she could to a nearby hospital. Many people saw this and they all did their best to help and get out of the way.

Kota just remembers seeing his childhood friend being rushed to the hospital. Everyone knew she was on the verge of death and for awhile it was like everything just stopped. "Booboo bear I'm hungry!" Lauren says, for the first time Kota ignored her. "Um...I said I was hungry!" Lauren says stomping her food. "Okay just shut up a moment would ya?." Kota says, that was the first time he ever spoke to Lauren like that. Sure he felt a little bad, but he just saw his childhood friend get rushed to the hospital with no guarantee she'll survive.

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