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That night eri was just getting comfortable in her and Kota's bed, Kota was just making sure everything was locked And he closes the curtains and turns off all of the lights. He then lays next to eri and pulls her close to him. "Warm..." eri nuzzles closer to the male. Kota chuckled and holds eri tightly, "get some sleep baby Mamas" Kota kisses eri on the forehead, the two just lay there cuddling for awhile before they both finally fell asleep for the night.

"You're fucking worthless." Kota says to eri, eri was having a bad dream. "Huh?..." she looks around, " really think I'd pick you of all people to have MY kids?" Dream Kota growls. The dream then shifts over to a hospital. "you can't even protect the kid." Luna glares, eri was confused then looks down. She just saw all the blood and knew she miscarried. " no no no no no NO!" eri holds her stomach crying. "NO! No...." eri says her voice cracking as she grieves over her baby's death.

Eri was sobbing and then the dream shifts over again, "you're nothing. You're just a fucking test rat." Overhaul growls. Eri continues to dream about all the things she feared. From Kota leaving her to go back to Lauren, Luna betraying her like Kota did all those years ago. Or just having to relive all the times she seen heros die because they couldn't fight without their quirks. "IM SORRY! IM SOR-" eri stops, the braking point was when she was forced to relieve each time overhaul ran an experiment on her or strapped her down to a chair or table.

It was 2:56 when eri finally woke up screaming. "NO! NO NO NO NO NO STOP! I CAN'T...STOP!" eri screams, Kota just jolts up and turns on the light. "Shhh shhh's okay I promise it's gonna be okay....I'm here... you're safe.... you're BOTH safe." Kota says rubbing eri's back. "b-both?..." eri whispers tears Rolling down her face. "Mhm..." Kota places her hand on her stomach as eri looks down. "I'm still..." eri says and Kota nods. "Of course you are babe... I'd never let anyone or anything hurt you or our little bean...and I can't wait to have more kids with you" Kota says kissing eri.

Kota sat there and listened to eri vent about her nightmare and he kissed her neck. "babe...I'm so happy that I get to start a family with you...I plan on marrying you babe.... you're more than capable of keeping our bean safe I know it, you're not gonna miscarry okay? And overhaul isn't coming back... he's dead okay?" Kota says, he and the other heros knew damn well overhaul was still alive but thinking he was dead just helped keep eri calm.

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