second try

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The next few weeks Kota would walk eri to her house. He would sometimes stay and hang out with eri. Today, eri and Kota were walking back home like normal. "Um then she kinda kissed me" eri says, she was telling Kota how she had her first kiss, he didn't know why but for some reason knowing Luna took her first kiss made him mad and jealous. "Oh yeah? Do you like her?" Kota asks smirking as they walked.

"U-um kinda...maybe erm I don't know it's complicated" eri sighs, Kota tilts his head. "What do you mean by that?" He asks, "well..i just...I don't know" eri sighs and Kota sighs and holds eri's hand. "Alright, if she ever makes you uncomfortable let me know and I'll handle it" Kota says, he then catches eri when she fell after missing a step on the stairs they were going down. "You okay?" Kota asks worried. "Ow ow ow... yea just twisted my ankle..." eri says in pain. Before she knew it Kota just picked her up, "alright just rest it for a while" Kota says carrying eri the rest of the way.

Once they got to eri's house he set eri down on her beanbag chair in her room. "Eri?" The commission leader calls, "time to train you're 5 minutes- Kota!" The commission leader says looking at the male. "Training? She trained until 1 am last night and you fucking woke her up at 3 am to continue her training." Kota says clearly annoyed, "r-right she can have the until after dinner to rest-" the commission leader says and freezes as they felt Kota's glare. "I swear to go if you don't give her at least 3 days of rest I'll fucking-" Kota starts when eri grabs his arm and shook her head no.

"...." Kota starts and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Get the hell out of my face" Kota says, he was pissed but didn't wanna scare eri so he repressed his anger for now. Once the commission leader left her and Kota talked for awhile. "Eri, Luna is her-" aizawa says and before he could say anything eri booked it to the door. "...." Kota lets out a little growl. He didn't know why but seeing someone else flirt and make eri blush made his blood boil.

Eri jumps into Luna's arms happily, "hehe heya beautiful" Luna smiles and hugs eri. She then sees Kota and glares, Luna and Kota never did get along. Sure they pretended to be friends when eri was around so the girl didn't get upset. Yet the moment they were alone together it was pure war between the two. They constantly subtly fight over eri's attention.

"Oh wanna come watch a movie with us?" Eri asks and Luna nods. "Of course, anything for you angel" Luna says happily, eri gladly brings Luna to her room. "Oh! Maybe you two can stay the night and we can play game and-" eri says, "sorry babygirl I have to leave for a family trip to karea tonight so I can't stay the night..." Luna says, "oh..." eri looks down a little sad and looks at Kota. "I- um yea I can stay the night but I'll have to leave for a few to pack some things" Kota says, Luna and Kota both smile when they saw eri's face light up.

"Okay!" She says happy that she at least gets to spend time with one of the two. "Okay! You two can pick a movie I'm gonna go get some snacks and drinks!" Eri says leaving. The moment the two were alone it was instant fighting "wow way to go jackass, nearly made eri cry" Kota hisses, "oh please, you've done worse than just make her cry." Luna shoots back. "Like what? I swear if it's about that fucking mistake I made you already know I'm handling it." Kota says annoyed.

"There wouldn't be anything to fix if you pulled your head outta your ass" Luna says, "and eri wouldn't have felt fucking worthless if you actually stood up for her" Kota hisses. "Standup for her? I never left her fucking side. Not for one god damn moment. Tell me, where were you when she was jumped and beaten so bad she was hospitalized? Where were you when she broke down crying in the bathroom, where were you when she was forced to run home because she was being chased? Huh? Where the hell were you." Luna hisses, Kota growls. "You think I didn't fucking care? I was trying to get help. I made sure to get those kids expelled. I couldn't do much because Lauren got upset when I gave anyone more attention than I gave her" Kota snaps.

"Lauren this, Lauren that" Luna hisses. "Grow the hell up would ya? Eri needed you. She fucking trusted you. Yet time and time again you failed her, you constantly put that bag of holes over her. When I know for a fact she would've dropped anything and everything to be there for you if you needed her." Luna says, Kota just stares at her. He knew she was right and that there wasn't any excuse for it. "Look I know I fucked up. But I'm here now, that has to count for something. I'm never gonna make that mistake again" Kota sighs in defeat, "damn right. Because I won't let you, don't worry when I make her my girlfriend I won't make her do anything she doesn't wanna. So if she cuts ties with you just know she did that of her own free will" Luna says smirking.

Kota glares and then sees eri, "oh heya shortie" Kota smiles, just like that Luna and Kota both acted all buddy buddy. It was unspoken, yet mutually agreed that they would pretend to be friends around eri to prevent her from being upset. "Hehe! Hi, so um I kinda burnt the water so..." eri looks down. Luna face palms, and Kota sat there questioning how one burns water. "I'll go-" Kota starts, "we'll help you with the snacks eri" Luna smiles and eri nods. "Okay!, what movie did you two pick?" Eri asks, "to be honest we got into a little disagreement about which movie was it's undecided between twilight and Harry Potter" Luna says, she was a master at making up excuses on the spot.

"Harry Potter is the best choice for a little hang out" Kota says, just rolling with the lie Luna came up with. "Oh about we watch Harry Potter for now and next time we hang out we'll watch Twilight?" Eri suggested and they both nod. "That sounds awesome darling~" Luna says as she lifts eri's head getting close to eri's face again. Eri got extremely flustered when she did this and Kota gave Luna a death glare. Just the thought of someone else kissing eri made him livid.

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