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Kota grabs eri, "princess don't force yourself okay?" Kota says. Sure, he would be Happy if eri did go have fun, but he was found of the fact that eri felt pressured into it. "Come on! I finally-" Luna starts, Kota hands Kataru to eri and kisses her. "Go back to the room and lay down okay? I'll be up soon" "controlling much?" Luna growls once eri leaves. "Nah, trust me If eri actually wanted to go I gladly would've taken care of kataru until she was ready to come back." Kota explains, "she did wanna go!" "No, she felt like she didn't have a say. Listen eri isn't like us okay? She has a hard time speaking her mind and setting boundaries." "Bullshit." Luna rolls her eyes, "I wish it was, but when you show her any hint that you'll be upset with her if she says she doesn't wanna do something, she'll force herself to do it. She's been like that since we were little"

"Okay, well why didn't you fix it? I mean you managed to fix nearly everything overhaul did to her" "you think I didn't try? She's too kind for her own good. Hell for awhile I didn't think she would ever stand up for herself, but anyways hide your emotions don't let her know you'll be hurt or upset if she says no, that helps her be more honest with what she actually wants as well as enforce her boundaries better" Kota sighs looking at Luna, "not to mention her body language gives it away when she feels pressured. So, next time just hide it okay? If eri says no don't keep pushing" "damn okay" Luna sighs.

Kota nods and goes back to his and eri's room, "hey baby mamas" Kota smiles kissing eri on the forehead, he then rubs kataru's cheek. Kota noticed lately that eri feels bothered because kataru took a lot of attention so she didn't get as much time with Kota. Kota kisses eri, he was trying to give her as much affection as he possibly could. It was honestly tiring and mentally draining trying to keep his son well taken care of and make sure he felt loved, while also dealing with eri's postpartum. Yet, he didn't complain or even give up on either of them. He loved them more than anything. In the end he only had a few months of this before eri went back to normal and their son would be easier to care for.

In the end, Kota did take little breaks here and there as he broke down. He hated seeing eri like this, and was so stressed out with a week old baby. Sure he stayed strong for the two because they needed him more than ever, yet sometimes it was all too much for him. "You're doing amazing princess, tell you what, if you're feeling up to it we can go on a date tomorrow. Your dad's can watch Little bean, yeah?" Kota says he also wanted to get eri out of the dorms and let her do something she enjoys. "Mmm what if bean gets hurt and we're not here?" Eri asks worried, "I promise Hun we won't be far if bean needs us we'll be right by his side in 5 minutes or less okay?" Eri thinks as she studies Kota's face. He showed no signs of being upset no matter how she answered, "um...okay but only for a little bit..." eri smiles and Kota nods. "Okay princess, how about we go out for dinner, and if you feel up to it go shopping and get you some more mallows?" Kota offers and eri nods, "okay" she smiles and hugs Kota. "thank you babe...I love you" eri says and he hugs back, "I love you more princess" Kota says kissing eri.

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