Found you

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Kota and the rest of the backup arrived as soon as they could. They managed to cut their trip short by one day. The moment they got there Kota basically jumped off the ship. "Where is she?!" He asks rushing to one of the pros who went with eri.

They were taken to their hide out. Katsuma was there and Kota instantly goes to him. "Where's eri?" He asks and katsu looks at him. "I don't know...she went to help with the evacuations and no one came back...we found many of their bodies but eri's...she just completely disappeared..." katsu explains, "the only thing we found of eri's that day was this..." katsu hands Kota one of his hoodies. "I...that's where it went..." he says holding his hoodie which was still covered in eri's blood.

Kota holds the hoodie close, he knew eri was here and that there was a chance she was alive. "Anything else you know katsu?" Kota asks. "Um, if witness reports are correct the last time she was seen was when she attacked the shadow villain...he's able to control a shadow monster from afar..." katsu says, "...and let me guess the shadow monster isn't alive?" Kota asks and katsu nods.

Kota growls, "they know eri can't fucking fight things that aren't alive. She's still learning how to do that." Kota says annoyed. "Eri was actually the one who requested we bring you out specifically" Kota looks shocked when katsu told him that. "She did?..." "Yea, none of us thought of it....granted you're not as well known as she is...but when she heard one of the villains was allergic to water..." "Damn they're gonna hate fighting me then" Kota laughs. "Eri Normally takes my quirk when I start relying on it too much though...maybe she'll make an acception" Kota thinks out loud. "Why does she do that anyway? Who cares if they-" Katsu starts "it's because when she was little she watched many people die the moment they lost their quirk to those fucking bullets. Eri doesn't wanna lose any more people that's not much but at least she gives us a fighting chance...after all even eri doesn't know who still has the hassaikai bullets..." Kota says, "wow...wait why are you sharing eri's truama again?" Katsu asks annoyed. "Because it's just us here. And if you tell anyone else I'll fucking kill ya." Kota says coldly.

"Besides, the last time I did that I was stupid and so fucking blind." Kota admitted, "how will you know if I did decide to tell some-" katsu starts, "what you want me to kill you here and now? We're in a villain attack. I can make it look like a fucking accident. So keep testing my patience." Kota says clearly hella annoyed. "Well, imma go look for any hints of where she could be. She's my responsibility after all" Kota yawns. "Kota wait...eri said that in times like this it's best not to show the villains you actually care...that's how the know who to take from you to hurt you..." katsu says, "yea she told me that too...but doesn't matter these villains won't be able to share that with another soul."

Katsuma sighs and looks at Kota, "I can help you look...this island isn't very big and no one's had time to look for her honestly" katsu says, Kota nods. "Mhm if you find her bring her back here okay? We'll meet up around 10 pm" katsu nods at Kota's terms. The two then start the first official search for eri.

The sun was setting but katsuma soon found a cave, he decided to search through it. Katsu did his best to be quiet just in case, his eyes widen when he sees a bloody and unconscious eri. As much as katsuma wanted to help her he knew he wasn't fit to be a hero. So he sneaks away to get Kota. Luckily he was unoticed by the villain.

Kota looks at katsuma. "What." He asks coldly, "eri she's in a cave..." katsuma whispers, "there's a villain guarding her so I couldn't free her but-" katsu starts, "show me." Kota says and katsuma nods. He leads Kota to the eri who was now wide awake and glaring at the villain as she spoke to her. "...." Kota points at the villain and shoots her with a high pressured stream of water which easily broke her bones. "!!!" The girl starts to have an allergic reaction to the water. "GAH!" The villain tries to get the water off her as eri finally was able to rewind the girl taking her quirk. Of course that ended with eri freeing herself.

"Damn, sucks to suck huh?" Kota smiles. He proceeded to splash the girl with endless amounts of water because eri stopped him. "Okay okay I'll stop" Kota stays picking up eri. Eri was still healing herself as broken bones took her a little longer to heal. "You okay?" Kota asks as eri nuzzles into his neck. "I don't wanna do this anymore....I wanna go back to UA" eri admitted. "Mhm, I'll see about sending you back as soon as-" Kota starts. "No...I wanna go back with you...." eri pouts Kota sighs, "okay I'll see the earliest we could possibly get off this island I promise princess" Kota smiles.

I need you (eri x kota)Where stories live. Discover now