Chapter 44

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I know I'm a bit dramatic for getting excited over the number of reads but thanks sooo much for 10 k reads on Clay's Unwanted Blondie.

Now that I think about it the book title's abbreviates CUB.

So thank you, CUB fans for the support (the comments, votes, the dms and the reads)


๑⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙BROOKE ˙⁠❥⁠˙⁠๑


Pink baby mittens were cute.

Shopping for baby clothes brought a kind of high that made her blood and her breathing kick it up a notch.

The good notch, you know?

Dress shopping at stores sluttier than Victoria's secret was enthralling. Especially when it was with your mother in law.

What was not cute however?

Running into the man you thought you wouldn't see for a very and she meant very very long time.

Dressed in faded blue Levis jeans, a white tee underneath and a jacket fitting his impeccable broad shoulders, Ashton Drakkon sat opposite of her, that lazy smile that had stopped her breathing once directed at her.

And that's the thing.

New her saw the truth behind that smile, saw the lines on his forehead that were nowhere to perfection. He might have been handsome now maybe forever in his life but to her, he was just another man.

No crazy feelings attached.

"How are you doing, Brooke?"

He asked.

She reclined in her seat.

"As about as normal as anyone with cancer would"

The statement came with venom. Venom she had no right to feel.

Ashton masked whatever discomfort he felt by moving his seat forward, placing his hand on the table and doing something that she should have stopped the minute this man asked her out to dinner.

He touched her.

Not intimately but to her it was.

For how long had she dreamt of him looking at her like he was right now, touching her hand like he would drown in a vat of snakes if he didn't have it?

"Brooke I heard about—"

"Just what are you doing here Ashton?"

His hand didn't sway. No, he ran a thumb over her fingers stopping when he touched the rings.

Her wedding ring and her engagement ring.

"You have every reason to be mad, Brooke. I should have—", he stopped, his breathing reaching a fever pitch, ragged, in pain and rough,"stayed"



"I'm glad you didn't. If you would have stayed, I would have been the same little girl that thought that you and I would be a thing one day.

No you not staying, you disappearing the minute I got married was the best thing that ever happened to me Ashton.

Those rings you are afraid to touch, they mean a lot to me than all our memories combined.

Those rings are a symbol of the love I thought I would never find with any other man but you. I found love, Ashton and you know what?

Cancer or no cancer, I'm so glad that my man stuck with me through the good times and the bad times"

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