Chapter 13

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       ๑⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙BROOKE ˙⁠❥⁠˙⁠๑


She wished she did.

"Can't I stare at my girlfriend?" He teased and she felt the mango juice slosh in her stomach.

Everything about him was wrong. His face was wrong. His cologne was wrong and that poker face was even worse.

The little accidents that happened between them evoked something she hadn't experienced in a while. Desire. Aggravated lust and the damn bastard knew it.

He was a handsome man gifted with a face that fluttered women's hearts, no woman would resist him. She included and she blamed her hormones for it.

"Fake girlfriend. Fake girlfriend", she reminded enunciating each word with ire.

"They don't know that, do they?"

She turned her head to the side looking at Su Lin and her friends by the pool side gawking at them.

"How long do we have to stay like this?" She faced him and he smiled.

That smile that graced the LA Vogue magazines yearly.

"Other women would kill to be in your position, Brooklyn best you enjoy it while it lasts", he taunted, his hand wrapping around her waist so much that the water sloshed between them.

His hair was damp, his eyes more crystal blue than the pool water around them and his lips...those lips that—no.

"Is there something on my face?"


"You are staring. I'm starting to think I'm rubbing off on you"

Okay, pool time was over.

Staying in the pool, cuddled up with his big arms and a skimpy bikini was the worst idea Su Lin could have possibly conjured up.

Have fun with your boyfriend, she said.

Take advantage of the pool, she said.

Make your man relax, she said.

Only the said man was as cocky and as egotistical as the size of his big head.

"Let go. This is over"

He didn't let go. No what he did infact was hold her tight against his naked chest till her legs were tangled with his under water.

"It's been five minutes. What do you think their impression will be when you walk out on your boyfriend?"

"That you are a bad swimmer?"

"Funny", he grimaced before his eyes gazed at her intently and dipped towards her lips.

"W-what are you—stop that"

"Kiss me"

Entangling her hands from his neck, she slapped her palms on his chest trying to push him away.

"No. No"

"Too late"

Without as much as a warning, his lips locked with hers. She could smell that cologne of sandalwood that stuck to his skin like wax. She felt his palm rest on the strings of her bra, hot and burning like lava.

His other hand which was underwater gripped her thigh moving her leg against his waist.

His lips were like a magnetic force pulling her towards oblivion. She didn't know how it started but pretty soon her hands were around his neck, her legs circled his torso, his hand gripped her neck deepening the kiss.

He tasted like spice, like sin and like citrus all wrapped up in one little package. He dominated her. He controlled the kiss dueling with her tongue for submission and like she had done all her life—she submitted.

She submitted to him.

To the kiss, to his touch, to his smell.

She heard him groan and her heart beat like she'd just participated in the Indie500 and won. Her nerves spiked like fireworks relaying synapses all haywire in different parts of her body. Her toes curl—.

"They already left", he said pulling away from her like she gave him the ick.

His face hard, all hint of mischief and humor evaporated from his face. Looking murderous as ever he swam to the edge of the pool and two minutes later he'd disappeared like nothing had happened.

She was still in a daze.

They'd kissed.

He kissed her.

On a another note, she kissed him and he didn't like it.

Did she like it? No. It was a kiss of convenience. A kiss of cementing their fake relationship infront of Su Lin De Yeon and her friends but why was her heart in her mouth beating faster and faster till she couldn't breathe?


"Are you okay?" Su Lin asked and she buried the kiss and Clay's disgusted look after the kiss to the back of her mind.

"I'm fine", she smiled but Su Lin was quick to give her a suspicious look.

Her friends Mei and Yin were already way up ahead treading through the Gwangjang flea market sampling everything that came to sight.

"You two had a fight?"

No, I wish we fought but no we kissed. She wanted to say.

"No. He and I are good"

"You are lying. He seemed grumpy before we left"

"He's always grumpy", Brooklyn corrected.

"But you love him still. Park and I were like that. He was my complete opposite and worse, he didn't speak English", Su Lin explained starting from how she met her husband to how they got married.

Apparently Su Lin was born and raised in the States. She met Park in Korea during her years as a foreign exchange student and they hit it off. Her parents were against the marriage since they considered Park illiterate and not good enough for their daughter.

Brooklyn listened with much keenness although she felt the need to spew out the words 'she and Clay were not in love'.

He hated her and the kiss had proven fake relationship or not, they were not a good match for one another. Not that she wanted to be a good match for him because she too, loved another man.


One food vendor called and Su Lin practically dragged her to the stall that had way too many people around it.

"These are foods that brides prepare for future in laws. Come, we must get some for you", Su Lin paused, "to cook for your in laws"

"Kill me", Brooklyn whispered.

"What?" Su Lin asked.

"I said that sounds... wonderful"

"You'll see...I'm telling you... they'll love you after...Mei... me with..."

Everything came to a stand still the minute someone touched her.

One pat on her shoulder and the other on her ass.

Fear ate her up. The only person who did that was—

He was here.

She looked around. She assessed each and everyone passing by her.

It was happening again. The stalker was back, she knew it. Her body sensed it.

Her feet moved to an unknown direction. The market was so congested that it nearly drove her insane. Then when her eyes finally decided to rest on one spot, she saw him.

Black hoodie, blue jeans and a wicked smile tucked so well between the two stalls selling salamis.

In slow motion and trying to achieve the intended effect, he raised his hand and waved.

She lost it. He was back and he'd followed her to Seoul?

Clay's Unwanted BlondieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin