Chapter 21

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RYDER AND ANI didn't show up at his wedding and for the most part of it he'd been stuck with his cousins—both distant and close.

"I almost cracked this one, all you had to do was put some faith in me", said Cayon.

"That's the same thing you told Ryder and he's stuck with a wife", Zuko added sipping the vodka cran in his hand like lemonade.

Chase, Clay's cousin for the better part of it remained quiet and hell the man had never been among the talkative lot. He kept to himself unlike his father Kevin Cervantes and Clay somehow respected him.

"Stuck with a wife he's madly in love with you forget", Cayon added, Clay had never felt so annoyed like he was at the moment.

Still he tolerated the bickering between his relatives, tried to put up a smile even when it was hard to and damn it, stay away from his bride's sister till the whole thing ended.

Ryder not being at his wedding only made the day more dastardly. He was doing the right thing...the shitty way but the right thing.

And the right thing meant protecting the woman who did more harm to him than good. And a woman he'd took a liking to for some days now but that's all there was to it.

It took some guts not to flick his eyes to Calandria while he was at the altar saying his vows.

Goodness, he had been on his best behavior. Taming wild thoughts of how hot Calandria was in a fine maroon silk dress and how easy it would be to push her legs apart, sink inside—

His thoughts went back to Brooklyn. She didn't deserve him. Not his shit and certainly not his asshole nature in her life.

But still, there was something to her that reminded him of...Hannah, there he said it.

The glass on his lips his eyes roamed around the small gathering.

Alistair, the mellow chum, had resorted to taking advantage of all the free booze at the wedding's reception.

The fifty year old could barely stand and were it not for his daughter supporting him, he would have been making snow angels on the fake grass.

Clay wanted to help her so badly but he couldn't. A, because helping her meant talking to Calandria and that meant them getting to know each other which wasn't a good picture simply because he'd be enticed to kiss the hell out of her.

B, no matter how crude he sounded, there was just something fantastic about seeing Alistair on the ground like the worm he was. And if he'd been the one trying to come after Brooklyn, he deserved to rot in the ground.


His bride. His wife.

The woman who'd gazed at him with malice and scorned rage it almost gutted him.

Last he'd seen her was with his mother, mingling because she was part of the family as his dotting mother liked to say.

Still, her bright blonde hair didn't come to sight. More alert and sober, a flicker of nervousness rocked his body.

He searched with his eyes, trying not to raise suspicion that the bride was missing.

"She left. Ten minutes ago", Chase spoke as if reading Clay's mind.

"You are telling me this now?"

"Yes. She'd rather be somewhere else than here anyway"

"You don't seem like the type to care"

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