Chapter 32

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๑⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙BROOKE ˙⁠❥⁠˙⁠๑

"WE COULD RESCHEDULE this whole thing. You don't look too good and let's be honest here, we are both too lazy to run a mile", July spoke behind her.

"How many of these did he send? Does he even know what your favorites are?"

"I'm trying so hard not to bring 'whats his name' into the conversation but this...all these, might as well as turn the whole house into a flower shop"

And the thing about best friends was they had the cosmic ability to turn an awkward situation into well...more awkward.

Sure July held her hair while she puked her guts, possibly her breakfast and dinner, into the toilet bowl but she had also adopted a role of speaking about Brooke's problems at a time like this.

While Brooke's throat hurdled monstrous things out her mouth, her whole body felt like she'd been chewed up, spit out and stepped on by a three thousand pounded hippo.

"Mm—I'm good... that's enough", Brooke whispered, flashing the toilet.

July stepped away from her, moving somewhere towards the wall where another bouquet of hydrangeas stood.

The mirror had a less subtle way of telling her she looked like shit.

She stared at her reflection. A couple of hazel nut eyes glanced back looking like they'd gone through hell and back.

Washing away the remnants of vomit from her mouth and lips, add in a cool chug of mouthwash and she still looked like shit while her bestfriend behind her rocked the Spandex workout pants like Anne Hathaway.

"This has been happening a lot Brooke. I'm not Carter and I don't want to jump to conclusion but—"

"We didn't use protection in Romania!" Brooke screamed.

At the mirror, at her bestfriend, at the possibility of what the morning sickness, the dizziness and late night fevers meant.

She knew. A little research and she had a slight idea of what she was dealing with and the question that loomed heavy in the room was, 'what was next?'

July didn't hide the gasp that escaped her heart shaped lips.

Like a mom who'd found her teenage daughter hooking up with the neighbor's son on the couch, her sharp eyes pierced Brooklyn's reflection and the bathroom felt a little small to occupy two people.

"I know, I-"

"You fucked. You told me it was a heat of the moment thing"

"It was"
It just happened.

God, she sounded like one of those women caught cheating on their husbands.

'It just happened, Paul. I don't know how it did, we were kissing and then it just happened'

Could she really say it like that. It just happened?  She and Clay wanted it from day one. Craved it even.

"Well heat of the moment things don't usually end up with a man sticking his dick in you without protection"

"Christ, Jules", Brooke sighed, clutching the rim of the sink weakly.

So much for a drama free workout Sunday.

"I'm trying my best to wrap my head about this because you realize what this means right? I might be a fucking aunt"

"That's what you are worried about?"

"Well I should be worried about you too, you are the one about to push a nine pound baby out of you after nine months"

That sounded terrifying.

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