Chapter 54

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"YOU KNEW SHE WOULD CONFRONT me. You two are divorced and we both know that, Clay"

"You wouldn't have come if I called", he took a sip of water wishing so hard it was gin or whiskey.

Cayon tapped his glass nervously, the tip of his mouth furled into a snarl but there was no denying the relief in his eyes once Clay bro hugged him and offered him a free drink.

"Yeah? I wonder why Clay"

"I need a favor"

Tipping his head back, rubbing his stubble with an unbelievable sigh, Cayon took a chug of his drink ordering another.

"I'm all out of favors, nephew"

"I might have been gone three years but I still vividly remember we are almost the same age uncle"

Another drink. Another sigh. Another long night.

"Your brother is not gonna like this one bit. They've been going through hell without you, you know that right"

"I know"

He knew alright. There was Ryder's razor-cutting words. Lucille's slap that stung like a bitch for four days. His Blondie's rejection all served as a reminder that indeed he was the devil putting everyone through hell.

"You could ask anyone for favors. Ryder, Zuko, Chase, your parents. Why me?"

"Because you are the only fucker who hasn't kicked me in the shins or cut me off"

Or betrayed him for that matter like Chase Cervantes, the only guy who would have told him he had a daughter.

Pausing, releasing a strained breath like he was going to regret everything, Cayon asked,

"What's the favor?"

"Two favors, actually"

"Christ, Clay"

"Clint Eastwood. Get me everything you can on him. Where he plays golf, what friends he has, where and when he eats, dating history, and more importantly how my wife--ex-wife is linked to him"


Cayon's voice came more amused than confused and Clay didn't necessarily care.

If anything the jealousy written on his face as he said the name Clint Eastwood was indication enough he wanted the guy gone.

For all he knew he might have been the stalker.

Any male in Blondie's life might have been out to get her.

"The next favor", Clay hesitated.

Cayon wasn't the right person to ask for this but hey beggars couldn't be choosers.

His sister wished him gone. Ryder too and knowing Anjali she was probably on Ryder's side.

That left his mother and facing his mother was something he wasn't mentally prepared for.

Brooklyn on the other hand...well that was a complication.

He kissed her. She slapped him.

He leaped for her like a starving man, cursing celibacy. She called him a piece of scum for taking advantage of her generosity.

He wanted to stay. She kicked him out and hadn't let him in for four days.

True he was an asshole but any asshole in love would have done the same when the woman you hadn't seen for three years touched you like she was yours and you were hers.

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