Chapter 33

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MATURING WAS REALIZING taking advice from men who considered all pussies the same was like sticking your foot in a pot of glue.

Couldn't blame them though, he had been at their stage too and now he wasn't.

He had found Brooklyn and she was his magical pussy. God--that sounded asshole-ic from him.

The correct words should have been Brooklyn was the fucking one.

That missing piece people talked about that didn't seem possible, she was it.

The intersection between black and white.

And when he thought about her, all he could see was her smile as bright as the rising sun, those dimples as deep as the holes she had dug into his heart and occupied.

"The good thing is I'm not serving you divorce papers right now so that means you are still safe", Cayon continued to run his mouth.

Clay's gaze wandered between the bottle of gin and Hennessy behind the bartender swirling his rag in a rocks glass.

"Women are women. They get mad, you give them space then they cool off and come back to you like shit's fine", Zuko added.

Clay growled downing his liquid.

He'd showed up here alone like he always did then the band of Houdinis had appeared out of nowhere giving him relationship advice.

Advice he wouldn't listen to whether they were holding a knife to his throat or threatening to chop off his dick.

What the fuck did they know about women anyway?

Cayon sure as hell never had a fucking girlfriend let alone knew responsibility if it slapped him in the face. he was another topic left to another day. In Zuko's life, shit was about him, his computers and his puny dick.

Clay might have been hitting rock bottom but listening to both of them was where he drew the line in his misery.

"Damn I think I should pick some random woman tonight and marry her. It's working well for Ryder and you buddy, seem to be buck ass naked in love"

Cayon chortled.

Zuko joined in.

And together they annoyed him worse than the toupee his secretary was wearing on his head in the morning.

That shit looked like a dead rat on a bald head.

"You should try it sometime. It's fucking great", Clay said dryly.

Zuko laughed.

"And risk looking like my cat just died? No way"

"I don't have a cat"

"Well you look like you own one and someone stabbed it to death"

That was enough for Clay to hand in his card to the bartender, chug his drink in a rush before he called it a night.

"You are leaving? We are just getting started", Zuko whined, Clay put back his card in his wallet shooting his relative a glare.

"The last time I hung out with one of you, my face was in every damn magazine with a stripper next to me. I'm not making that mistake again. Gentlemen, I want to say it's been a pleasure but it hasn't"

Zuko laughed it off. Cayon, the mellow bastard quipped a retort,

"We are letting your sour mood slide because you've been dumped and that stings. That aside you are still my favorite nephew"

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