Chapter 35

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"I WAS GONE for ten minutes. How did you—well aren't you neat Mr Cervantes?"

She perused through her clothes already hung up in the closet batting an occasional eye lid at him.

For a man who liked his privacy, he'd been more than ready to usher Brooklyn into his life and that included getting her her own closet and one in his room.

"Wait where did you put my you know?"

She turned around, the subtle red tint on her cheeks wasn't so subtle anymore.

"My closet"

"Your closet? There's room here you didn't have to relocate them all the way there. God, my cheeks are red aren't they?"

"Yeah. I like it when you blush"

He tried closing the distance between them but Brooklyn took another step back.

The action did sting a bit but hey Rome wasn't built in a fucking day.

She was here, in his home, tomorrow he was buying her a big ass ring with the hope she wouldn't leave him, if she postponed his kisses like she was at the moment he'd still be happy for the small winnings.

"Don't say things like that Clay"


She chuckled lightly placing her small hand on her chest.

"Because your words seep all the way in here and I'm assured that this is forever"

He raised a brow, breaching that gap that Brooklyn was trying to maintain like her life depended on it.

"It is forever. I haven't been the greatest in this whole marriage thing but I'll work on it, we'll work on it"

"Does that mean I get my undies back in my closet?"

"Only if you sleep next to me with nothing on tonight"

That flirt came as easily as his smirk and Brooklyn's chuckle.

Then she slapped his chest and his hands were on her waist pulling her close to him their bodies smashed.

Her brown eyes were up to his and really he had never been fascinated by the color brown up until Brooklyn showed up in his life. There was just something about those eyes that had him hooked.

If he as so much as leaned closer, he would have a bite of those full lips and if he did, goddamn would he kiss her till her lips swelled.

"We have work to do", she whispered, her breath shaky.

"This is work", he retorted.

The missus cued an eye roll.

"You know what I mean Clay"

"Clay? I don't like it. I like baby more"

"Baby? That's what I call Chunky"


"You are too grouchy to be called sweetheart, Clay. Wait how about sugar? No, I have a better one"

Still in his arms, she removed her hands from his chest covering her mouth in amusement.

"I have always liked Spanish. Okay maybe I've been obsessed with latinos for quite some time so what about papí?"


That sounded outrageous as hell.

"Yes as in baby, lover, daddy"

The lilt in her voice as she said daddy had his dick imprinting in his pants and his heart racing the way cars vroomed  before a big race.

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