Chapter 24

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๑⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙BROOKE ˙⁠❥⁠˙⁠๑

THE ELEPHANT IN the room occupied so much space she almost forgot how to breathe.

"Breakfast? There's bacon umm mango, you love mango right? Doughnuts?"

He wagged the sprinkled doughnuts near her mouth and her hands fisted in the blanket trying their best to help her sit up.

She had hoped it was a nightmare. That maybe she had passed out while reading one of Tessa Bailey's slow burns under the mercy of the afternoon sun when Cal warned her not to.

Instead she had awoken to this.


In an organic cotton white sweater and slim fitted pants. Of course he looked hot and the grin on his face said he knew it.

But that wasn't what made her tense. She should have been nervous given the fact that she wasn't exactly looking appealing with her hair out of place, her blankets tossed all over the place and the slight possibility there might have been dry drool at the corner of her mouth.

Pulling the blankets around her chest, Brooke gazed at the breakfast tray on the bed then back to Mr Perfection with a ringed brow.

What was this?

What was he doing here?

After yesterday's events that were hauntingly sucking blood out of her, she'd half expected him to be on the first flight home.

Clay returned the eye contact with a small smile, her eyes intentionally wandered from those scorching blue eyes, past that perfectly sculptured nose to his lips.

Those thin tight lips that she almost... kissed!

Ooh the horror! The humiliation of being naked in his arms, the warmth of his body stirring up nerves she didn't even know existed.

"I'm good!"

Her voice squeaked out of nowhere.

The six foot male towering before her didn't buy it as he crossed his arms over his chest and stood there like a sentinel.

"Really, I don't need all of this. I don't need you here doing this-"

"This being me taking care of you?"


"I don't need taking care of, Clay. Yesterday was of those days. We all have bad days"

"Bad days mean getting late to work, someone spilling coffee on you, not falling to your death because you are reckless enough to take an evening stroll by yourself ", this time there was an edge to his voice that pissed her off.

There he was, the Clay that thought he could control everyone and what everyone did.

Sure yesterday wasn't exactly 'a rainbow colored' day but she had been fine for all twenty four years of her life. She didn't need anyone taking care of her and she certainly didn't need the blue eyed devil to do so too.

"You think I wanted this—aah"

The sharp sting piercing her head cut her short. It felt like a thousand termites were chewing the area above her brow with vengeance.

"Easy. You took a hard blow"

Before she knew it Clay was kneeling next to her on the bed, his hand smoothing the area around her brow.

She shivered.

Him being that close, his cologne messing with her nerves, add in the pain from the forbid wound on her forehead and she was too far gone to push him away or come up with an angry retort that would get him worked up.

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