44 | Welcome Back

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Hera stared into his eyes, and pursued her lips as she shook her head. Baekhyun's eyes twisted into rage as he pushed her away and turned to the liquor cabinet. Before she could ask what was going on, her eyes fell on the ipad, which was lit up now, showing her photos and then she looked at Baekhyun. His fingers flexed over the knife on the counter, and he gripped it tightly before looking at her.

Hera knew then. The shit had finally hit the fan. "Will you trust me if I say this isn't what it looks like." She tried to steel her spine. Her voice hard. "Will you?"

He chuckled. "Trust?"

"You saw photos and you're inquiring, no, blaming me, accusing me directly. Won't you hear any explanation-"

He raised the bottle in air and threw it across the room as it smashed against the wall. It broke into pieces and Hera screamed, closing her ears with palms. Baekhyun walked, grabbed her shoulders and shook her. Hard. "Why?"

"Why what?" Hera raised her head and met his frantic eyes. The pain she saw there surprised her. Baekhyun wasn't a guy who showed emotions openly after all.

"Why did you do it?"

"I didn't-"

"Don't fucking lie to me!"

She flinched. "It doesn't matter why. You already believe those pictures, so my explanations shouldn't matter. Right?"

Baekhyun's grip on the knife loosened and he rolled it in between his fingers, attracting Hera's attention to the weapon. "You're being brave. Do you think that bastard Jungkook will save you here in my territory? Is that it?"

"You're asking me that?" She laughed, a tear rolled down her cheek. "You kidnapped me. Murdered my uncle. Forced me into a marriage I didn't want. Turned my life upside-down. Do you think I'll be scared little porcelain doll after going through all of that?"

"No. Not really. You're not a scardy cat, now are you?" Baekhyun stepped up, reaching out to touch her cheek. It burned through her skin. "Did you think I won't get a whiff of this affair?"

Her chin trembled. "There's nothing going on, Baek." She reached out to him, but he slapped her hand away. "Baekhyun, I'm your wife. I've taken an oath for your Sal-inja-"

"An oath you never believed in!" He screamed, and she jumped. A numb feeling came over her, and she stared at him. "Did you not see it coming? Did you get so lost in his lies that you trusted Jungkook to this extent? Did you think he was being nice to you? News flash! He was manipulating you. My God, you really are dumb and suicidal."

That was the moment she knew Baekhyun was lost now. He didn't believe her. She could see it in his eyes. The refusal to trust. Her heart crumbled and she took a deep breath, feeling anger, shame and betrayal. Everything. She thought they were getting somewhere but alas.

The door opened. The boss had entered the house. Soobin one step behind him. Footsteps appeared on the top of the stairs. Joy pushes Taehyung away and ran downstairs, standing in front of Hera, shielding her away from everyone. Taehyung cursed under his break. Looking between Hera and Baekhyun, the conversation had clearly not gone well.

"Look. Let's talk about it calmly." Joy started. She turned to Kyungsoo. "I'm Capo's wife. I've the right to interfere, right?"

Kyungsoo stared at Hera for a moment and then turned to Joy. "You can if Hera wants someone to defend her." He moved slowly, and Joy's stance straightened. Soobin noticed the movement and followed the situation with his eyes. Baekhyun was standing there, numb. Staring at Hera.

Taehyung scratched the back of his head. "Listen, the pictures could be deceiving. Maybe Hera fell in the pool, and Jungkook came to rescue-"

"She's a certified swimmer. She doesn't need any help," Baekhyun said. "I've seen the certificate in her room." He looked up for the first time and smiled slightly. "I think I've been too nice, boss. You deal with this."

"Baekhyun, no. Don't go-" Soobin started when the consiglere turned away.

"You're right." It was Hera who spoke then. "I did it. I've an affair with Jungkook." She stared at his turned back. "I'm confessing."

"Hera!" Joy's eyes widened. "What the fuck are you saying? I know you. Hera, look at me. Please tell them you didn't do it. Why are you doing this? Hera!"

Taehyung sighed, and pulled Joy away. Kyungsoo frowned and glanced at Baekhyun who was still standing there, his back turned. Then he took a step forward and walked upstairs. Joy was taken away too.

Kyungsoo looked at Soobin. "I fear you can't handle Karina and Hera together. Let's deal with the snitch first. Keep Hera in the safe house for the mean time."

Soobin looked at Hera and then back at the boss. "Okay, boss."


A short update. You guys still here?

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