17 | Good Boy Gone Bad

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It was a tradition that the new addition to the family must dance with the boss on the night of the engagement.

Joy had already danced with Kyungsoo and it was no surprise to Hera that Joy paled during the whole sequence. She had no idea what Kyungsoo told her friend, but whatever it was, it was enough for Joy to stood by Yeji and act like a proper lady, someone Capo was getting married to, for the rest of the night.

"It's your turn," Baekhyun led her to the floor, and Hera swallowed the bile coming up her throat. "Boss." Her fiance was stiff as he nodded and placed Hera's hand in his.

"Mia Cara." Kyungsoo smiled.

Hera preferred his glare over this scary smile that sent shivers down her spine. "Greetings," she murmured.

"Welcome to the la Familia." He led the dance, and she forced a smile. "That's surprising. I presumed, you and silence don't go hand in hand, but here you are. Silent. No sarcasm. No resistance."

Her startled gaze met his. This morning, Yeonjun told her what a nut job Kyungsoo was. His commited horrors was a talk of the town. Well most of the days. He had crushed men with bare hands and slaughtered, dismembering some of them too. When Hera saw it on the dark net earlier, thanks to Soobin, who had landed her his spare phone to listen to music for calming effect, she lost her shit.

This man was dangerous. More dangerous than she could have ever imagined.

"I... I'm sorry for the way I acted during my first week. I'll be a better wife to the consigliere."

"Keep this attitude up and you might become my favorite sister in law." His smile fell as he stared at her. "Considering that your attitude has changed in my presence, I think you know who I am now. What I am capable of."

Hera bowed her head. "Y-yes."

"Then be a good wife, and make sure to not embarrass Sal-inja clan. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes." She nodded her head, keeping her gaze on his chin. A shadow fell over them and she could have cried in relief when Taehyung took over.

"You look like you can shed a tear or few on my grand appearance." Taehyung tilted his head when she didn't comment back. "Baekhyun sent me to interrupt your dance with boss. He was right, you look like you might faint right now. Did the boss scare you that much?"

"Baekhyun sent you?" Hera zoned back in the conversation. "You make it sound like he cared about me, that I was having a panic attack in your boss's presence."

"You're his fiance. It's my consigliere's responsibility to protect you." He shrugged.

"Do you know people obey you for one of the two reasons. Either out of respect or fear." Hera gulped. "I don't think I need to tell you which one I'm going to opt in to obey you."

His lips twitched. "That's where you're wrong, darling. Baekhyun or I for that matter don't want you to obey us. It has more to do with the respect, the rule, the acceptance of the sheer fact that you're a part of this Familia now."

"People snickers behind our backs. Pass on rude comments because we are abducted by you. Conquered. They won't respect your other half ever."

Taehyung twirled her around and pulled her back into his arms. "Respect isn't earned by the titles of our positions. You gotta earn that with your name."

"I don't know if it's possible, to earn the respect you mercilessly snatched away from us, back." Hera frowned. "How will the clan accept an enemy's daughter, Joy and me, as one of their rulers?"

The song ended and Taehyung stepped back as he smiled. "That's something you and your friend will have to figure out on your own."

"Aren't you going to console Joy? She looks shaken since her dance with the boss." Hera asked as they started towards the table.

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