25 | This Is Mafia

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The young girl confirmed. "Yes, my name is Karina, and I'll be your assistant today. Capo assigned me to you." She had her eyes on the ground, an innocent yet scared look on her face.

"Or more like he ordered you," Joy muttered. "You are barely around nowadays. I used to see you a lot when I first came here."

"I go to clean Underboss Soobin's apartment and cook him dinner once in a while." Karina's cheek heated. "He has asked for me. Capo agreed."

"The Underboss... Soobin. He doesn't take favor... from you... Right?" Joy hesitated. "You can tell me... I think I can help."

"No." She shook her head. "He's never home when I go there." Looking around, she watched the wall clock and sighed. "You have only fifteen minutes to leave for church."

"I thought we were having wedding in the gardens?"

Karina flushed. "Yes... I just got confused."

Joy nodded, eyeing her assistant for the day. "You're more likely here to show your loyalty. Aren't you? To snitch on me in case I did anything out of ordinary. Because you've no proper training, so you can't be here to protect me."

Karina opened and closed her mouth before she bit her lip and nodded slowly. "Consigliere doubts my loyalty. That's why I'm appointed to this task."

"But it won't serve its purpose since I figured it out." She tilted her head, and smiled when saw the girl panicking. "Don't worry. I won't say anything, but if you want to go on a spy mode, try to defend yourself first. Don't confess straight out."

"Okay ma'am." Karina looked at her and then down. Then again met her eyes. "I... I always wanted to compliment you on your beauty. You are exquisite, ma'am."

That made her surprise. "Why, thank you. You are a lovely girl too. And, you don't have to call me ma'am-"

"I shall. Either I'll get in trouble."

Joy sighed. "Yeah. I won't argue with that." She turned to mirror, and checked her reflection once more. Karina was watching her fascinately. "Do you have something to say?" she asked as she brushed her hair again.

"You're prettier of all the girls Capo has brought home, you know for a get together." She sealed her lips when Joy frowned. "You shouldn't worry though. They were just here with their fathers. Capo used to get a lot of offers from other capos you know."

"Really?" The brunette slowly placed the comb down.

Oblivious, Karina continued. "Yes. Our boss Kyungsoo used to call capo 'big fish'. A ticket to the rise of Sal-inja."

Hera had struggled with her trust issues all her life. Joy could get angry with her and even resent her for almost signing her death certificate, but what she had said wasn't false too. Now Karina was saying the same thing. Taehyung had chances to strengthen Sal-inja by forming an alliance with numerous organizations, then why chose her? Why Joy?

"Ma'am, I'm sorry if I offended you. I go in a flow and-"

"Wait, aren't you new here? How do you know all this?"

"I joined a month before you came, and maids talk." Karina bowed her head. "I won't cross the line again. I apologize."

Joy was about to inquire more, but then the door opened, and Taehyung walked in. Karina stumbled upon her steps as she hurried out of the room. "You need to stop scaring people," she murmured as she walked to him.

"Instilling fear in people is necessary to rule them, Princess." Taehyung's eyes scanned her head to toe.

"You're again using that word. Princess." Joy frowned, remembering her earlier thoughts. "You postponed the wedding because of the possibility of a war. Right?"

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